New York Culls Sex Offenders From the Online Gaming Ranks

SternisheFan writes with a story at PC Mag that New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has announced that more than 2000 registered sex offenders have been kicked off various online gaming platforms, in an cooperative effort involving both the state and various gaming companies. Full Article

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“New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has announced that more than 2000 registered sex offenders have been kicked off various online gaming platforms.”

And the world can sleep better tonight knowing that while people are online playing multi-player games killing each other in an artificial world, that “perverts” like us sex offenders can’t play.

Money well spent I must say! Congratulations Mr. Eric Schneiderman, you have certainly earned your Christmas bonus this year! What a smuck.

I guess we can see the kinds of things that will happen in CA if the effort to reverse prop 35 isn’t successful.

Canceling accounts and banning someone from playing an online game, who has already ‘done their time’ to accomplish what? Just in case someone might use the platform for a future illegal act? By that logic RSOs shouldn’t ever be let out of prison because out of bars they may find some way to talk to some person- something I’m sure many of the uninformed would like- but they don’t have that option, or shouldn’t. I am sick to death of these after-the-fact laws being passed and retroactively applied with no sound basis only hate and bigotry as motivation.

What is next? Cancel Ebay accounts because it has an email function? Cancel Netflix accounts because users can leave movie reviews?

All of this is based on the false belief that sex offenders have a high rate of committing new sex offenses and it simply isn’t true.

People are not content with prosecution so they resort to legalized persecution.

I can’t help thinking that this is a far reaching ordinance or law where collateral damage is affecting their children’s freedom to play online games. How is this regulated?

Clearly violates constitutional right to speak…grossly discriminates…they are repeating history to the 1960s Alabama…Jim crow type treatment of a minority group …president Kennedy …Bobby Kennedy told them to stand back…Alabama had to apply the Constitution everyday …to everyone …they had to change…civil rights belong to everyone …public or private personnel cannot discriminate under color of law…every free American must be forced to give up private communication information for these dictator fascist so called law.