Sex offenders routinely released from California jails, records show [with video]

Stockton, California (CNN) — Convicted sex offenders and other felons in California are systematically walking free, despite continuously violating their parole. It’s the result of laws meant to alleviate California’s overcrowded prisons and jails.

Two years ago, county judges all across the state lost their authority to send convicted felons back to prison for parole violations. Instead, they must send them to county jails. Full Article / Video

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Notice how CNN doesn’t even bother to explain releasing low risk offenders who are only incarcerated for insignificant violations of questionable laws.
I especially like the video image of the poster boy individual, who they want you to think is a classic example of the typical predator freely roaming the cities of California.

Because of my background I spend much time reading the international press on the internet, with my language skills and google translator.

Yesterday the front pages of all major euoropean newspapers were dominated by the US / Russia meeting snub and possible return to the Cold War, the NSA surveillance and upheaval in the Middle East.

Yesterday on CNN the front page was a story of a miracle healing of a toddler (with marijuana, strangely) and this story of packs of child molesters roaming the streets. Coincidence? I think not.

The yin and the yang, so to speak. Our worst fears and greatest hopes if we are unable to see beyond our own little lives while the world goes to h*ll in a handbasket.

This is just an observation. Peace.

“The people I released today and the people that I released yesterday were parole violators that had not committed a new offense.”

So what’s the problem then?

I believe this is called “stirring the pot”

Hmmm…coincidence this is out around the same time as the push for the International Megan’s Law? I think not.

Targeting sex offenders. Not one mention so of the same exactly problems with drug offenders, gang members, etc. How many gang bangers re-arrested for murdering people that they DIDN’T bother to mention? They chose to make people angry by showing only sex offenders.

This is a very amateurish and incredibly biased and prejudiced reports. This is NOT up tot he standards of professional journalism. This is not only poorly researched, it is not at any level I would call researched at all. This is plugging in screaming “SEX OFFENDER” at every other sentence just to exploit that term, not because they have actually come up with something. Gee, buried deep down they note that most of the “violations” are that the battery on the GPS monitoring device went dead. That;s is not a violation! But the people will get picked up, and when it is determined they did not do anything, thee battery simply went dead, yes, they are released. Everything else about this story is just plain fabricated.

This goes right along with a story in the Los Angeles Times a month or so ago, pointing out that one of the two main GPS companies in the state were dropped because of so many equipment failures that indicated to authorities that people had skipped out on the device when, in fact, they had not. But CNN takes these false violations and trumps them up into a false scare story.

Unfortunately, this is the future of journalism, as more and more of the major newspapers go under, and those that remain have cut budgets so much that no time is available to research, and no top caliber people can be hired. Most news operations that once did quality journalism no longer do, because they no longer can afford to hire quality and experienced people.

Lets be real! iF you hear the word, “SEX OFFENDER”! Most non educated people think RAPIST OR SOME PEDOPHILE or dangerous person! Its getting out of hand. Murderers and Rapist? OR, Murderers and Sex Offenders? OMG. OMG, the 18 year old who had sex with the 17 year old is now on the loose? Its something California needs to address.