The Vigilante of Clallam County

On a morning last fall, Patrick Drum sat quietly in his black and white striped uniform and handcuffs as he awaited his fate. The sleeves of his top were short enough to reveal a tattoo reading “Win Some” on his right forearm and one reading “Lose Sum” on the left. From the court’s gallery where dozens of reporters and community members sat, he seemed barely to move as the families of the two men he had killed four months before came forward to speak. Full Article

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This is truly a very disturbing story. I can only wonder how anyone could or would possess so much hatred! Lets be honest, the current view or portrayal of sex offenders by law enforcement and city officials is disturbing! I mean, for the most part, people just think police officers and city officials are correct! In summary, we need to realize that the city officials and law enforcement officials were or are partially responsible for these deaths! IF the laws showing someone’s home address and what not weren’t public, this wouldn’t have happened! I just read another article regarding someone killing a sex offender! People really need to realize this is a serious matter! I reside in a OC and there was recently a man brutally killed as a result of him being a sex offender! So far, unlike the two visits I receive annually, I haven’t received one? How about you? Maybe the next time someone comes to your door to verify your home status, you might want to avoid answering the door!

Please excuse the numerous typos. IN summary, this is becoming an increasingly prevalent incident. THe most disturbing part of the article is the man (animal) doesn’t think he did anything wrong and he had supporters! What about the man or woman who drove drunk and kills children? Or, what about the gang member who did a drive by and killed innocent victims? Where is the hatred there? I think one of the families of the victims should sue the state?

What’s disturbing is this guy is viewed as a hero by many people. His sad life is irrelavant to the fact: he wanted to kill people. Sex offenders become a convenient rationalization for his abhorrent behavior. Far from being heroic, he showed real cowardice. He groomed on victim by lying about his true intentions, so that he could get the victim to live with him. The second victim he planned to murder in his sleep. The shocking thing about this story is that society provided a perfect scapegoat. He killed people who are dispised more than himself, providing for him some kind of legitimacy to his murderous urges. So he continues to try to kill, never realizing his true desire is to kill. He is not “protecting” anyone but the monster within. And so those who support him vicariously feed their own monsters.

“If it were my child, I would […] think of [Drum] as a hero…sex offenses can be a life long agony and pain.” Another wrote simply, “Looks like he took out the trash.” A man interviewed on camera outside the Clallam County Courthouse said, “I honestly feel that it was justified.”

Well, don’t our military personnel do the same or equivalent in wars? Why did he, or they not lay “god’s work” upon them? (Gee,god is so great)

This certainly is a result of being poorly educated, & indulged in substance abuse.

Unfortunately I know a lot of people who share the same views of that guy only they don’t actually follow through with murder. But I hear comments like the sex offenders all deserved to die. Or they should be physically tortured for the rest of their lives. This is just how society is. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from committing the crime that I committed so I could be totally ignorant of the life I and many other rso’s are forced to endure.