SOUTH PASADENA >> A civil rights activist group filed a lawsuit against South Pasadena this week, alleging the city’s sex offender ordinance strips “a socially outcast minority” of their First, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
Attorney Janice Bellucci, president of the California Reform Sex Offender Laws organization, called South Pasadena’s Title 20E-1 through 20E-10 municipal code arbitrary and discriminatory. The regulation was passed in 2009. Full Article
Also see:
South Pasadena Ordinance Challenged in Federal Court
South Pasadena agrees not to enforce city’s presence restrictions
Great article! Written in an informative, comprehensive manner, this is how reporting sex offender issues should be handled. Finally, a bit of “Zen” for our side!
Dear Ms. Highsmith:
Please remember to dot both i’s in your name when you sign the big check that your client is about to write!
I guess integrity with these city counsels shouldn’t be relied upon from here on out. No matter what they say they need to be bound by the legal system; that is to say, not a letter saying they’re not going to do this or they are going to do that, but a legal binding agreement.
Hello, I was wondering, if people who commit crimes of robbery and murder or kidnapping or other such crimes have a chance to pay there debt back to society, ie. jail time, probation or porole, and moneys to the county for court cost and such, but anyone who commits a sex crime or ALLEGED commit they can never be free to prove that this is either not who they are or have changed, but yet they have to go to counceling at $300 a mnth + one on one at another $300 a mnth and get a Certificate Of Reabilitation BUT still have to register for life, you have to know this don’t make sense, my aunt and uncle was murdered and he could walk the streets as though he is no threat! Plus the Government has already ran studys how many would commit again, 1.5 to 3.7 thats ever, WOW I would love to know your thoughts on this.
This is terrible news! What if the guy convicted of touching a masseuse 19 years ago/expunged/summary probation goes to Pasadena and stares at someone while standing at the bus stop? So, does this mean I can potentially visit the bus stop, library, car dealership, pool, homeless shelter, grocery store and drive at night? Will Pasadena still require me to be implanted with a computer chip? Or, do I still have to call the police station every time I leave my home? Personally, I think these laws should remain (I wont have to worry about running into the gang members/recently released murderer/car jackers/or drug dealers at the local bus stop! Plus, I wont get mugged or stabbed at the local park? Did anyone ever think Pasadena might be protecting us from harm? Hmmm, what if I visit the local pool and get hit by lightening? Or, what If I walk to the local library (because I’m going for my second Master’s degree) and get hit by the recently released drunk driver who just spent time in prison for vehicular manslaughter! These laws are a joke and if you laughed at my last comments, thats how I feel about these laws as well. Its a JOKE! Maybe they should use the resources they are using to fight this joke and require Pasadena officers with cameras to insure they are doing their job properly!? Hmm
Here is a new wrinkle…
“The South Pasadena Police Department released Wolf without pressing charges, saying that because he was convicted prior to the ordinance’s passing in 2009, it did not apply to him. ”
What gives?
A massive million dollars settlement to all registered would cause reform very quickly.