TX: Mom Upset Sex Offender Allowed Near Kids in Pee Wee Football League

SHEPHERD, TX (KTRK) — A San Jacinto County mother says she couldn’t believe it when she saw a man she considered an assistant coach on her five-year-old son’s pee-wee football team listed online as a sex offender.

“I was shocked. I was very upset, very angry. There’s really not a word for it,” she says. “My son’s five years old, this man’s out here on the field with my son, and for no one to notify me of it before I sign my son up or before they sign the coach up, somebody should have let the parents know.” Full Article

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Uh huh. Some stuff I bet is true:

1. When the guy in question got in trouble it was not even with another guy.
2. It’s been years (maybe even a decade or more) since the incident.
3. The guy does not have any mental health problems.
4. Should he have been interested in anyone at the games or practice it was another adult.

1. He is no longer on probation.
2. Has not gotten in trouble for anything in years.
3. Whatever he did the other person involved was also a teenager.
4. The mom over reacted. She should be more concerned about drunk drivers, drug dealers, gangs, murderers, school bullies (including that her son could be at risk for becoming one), and the possible serious injuries that can happen by playing any sport.

Obviously, in today’s world, stupid rules. If the mother spent more time trying to educate herself she wouldn’t sound like trailer trash stumbling through a crude vocabulary trying to justify her irrational outrage with absolutely no concern for the poor child of the man in question.
But, I see no one had the courage to take her to task for her rude and disgusting abuse of the delicate situation and her total lack of concern for an innocent child who loves his dad and wants to have friends and be part of the team.

Doesn’t this woman have anything better to do in her life than to check a sex offender registry? There are far more important issues to be concerned about in today’s world than some guy that has paid his debt to society and is now on a sex offender registry? I mean get real lady!