Tier 2 Sex Offender Coming To Buffalo

____ ____ ____ was convicted of engaging in a sexual act with another by force and the threat of serious violence in 1992. ____ was convicted of forcibly raping an eighteen year old girl. ____ was 25 and physically intimidating and mentally unhinged due to drug and alcohol addiction at the time of this vicious act.

Now the Statler City Hotel, Lace-Up Promotions and the City of Buffalo are being used to promote this individual. The reputation of all are being used in a manner that causes new injuries to the victim of ____’s misogynistic and vicious rape and other similar victims like her in the region. Full Article (Main Article on Front Page)

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“Those who wish to confirm if Tyson is in compliance with Level 2 sex offender registration requirements can call the Buffalo Police Sex offense Unit at 716-851-4494.”

Why is it that 750,000 people and their family members are not picking up the phone to call and confirm if he is in compliance?

“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” Abraham Lincoln

This article stinks of the same rhetoric that was used recently (I think in the same city) against the guy from Peter, Paul and Mary who was scheduled to perform in that area recently. I can’t remember the details.
It seems we have an idiot on the loose rattling cages around there. Sad!

I kinda laughed when i saw it was Tyson. I believe he is the victim of yet another case of the feminist movement in this country. I don’t even want to think about how many college aged males are now sex offenders because of a drunken night between TWO drunk individuals. If two people are both drunk and aren’t able to give consent aren’t they BOTH responsible for their actions? Why is it that when a female get’s drunk and has sex with another drunk male, the male is always the perpetrator and rape is always the topic? Let me clarify that not all rape cases in similar situations are the exact same as two intoxicated people have sex at a party and what not. I’m merely pointing out the similar situation in which Tyson and this young lady were in sounded very similar to what goes on across the country in many if not all the universities. Why aren’t any females being prosecuted for rape if her male counterpart was intoxicated? I 100% support women’s rights and treat them as equals. But this whole crap has gone on way too long and has ruined way too many lives for a night of drinking and what seemed like fun at the time kind of things. Women should not be treated as “princesses” or a source of purity…they should be treated as my other human beings next to me and not a label.

Punish rapists duly convicted so, but just stop punishing them after they have served their sentence.

Uh sorry, but how does knowing any of this make anyone safer? The so called “vicious act” happened 22 years ago. Could someone explain to the community where this 47 year old man will be living, why he is considered a tier two after 22 years and what exactly that means in terms of which limited resources are going to be wasted insuring he is compliance?

Well, Im really not sure what to make of this article. Mike Tyson isn’t someone I look up to, but he was a great fighter and as most already know. poor people target rich people and I wouldn’t pass on the idea that he might have been falsely accused and convicted. I mean, how many times have stars been accused of crimes? Its all about money. Leave the guy alone?

The old Tyson would have knocked that stupid reporter out. Tyson is a new man now with a family. He is just trying to get by and make a living like the rest of us. Leave him alone people… Enough already.

Public ignorance is more dangerous than all the sex offenders put together. Bought and paid for by rich politicians brainwashing the public so they can push their agendas. They are the big bullies that keep pushing us around the way we teach our kids not to do in school. Zoro tolerance right! We can’t fight back because we are mostly poor with limited resources. All by their design. It’s so frustrating. CDC “R” stands for “Rehabilitated”. Leave us alone already.

Thank god we have Janice fighting for us… Thank you Janice and team!