To Lena Dunham: From A Person Placed on the Sex Offender Registry as a Child

Dear Lena Dunham,

You have been taking some heat for a passage from your book outlining what most psychological and developmental experts would call childhood sexual curiosity, if not just plain curiosity.

I am glad you have defended your actions as a child as just that—childhood exploration.  While the behavior might be considered by a puritanical society as taboo, it should not be a criminalized behavior.

Ms. Dunham, many children around the country did the same thing you did. For example, a 9-year-old in South Carolina is now on the sex offender registry for life, and he also must wear a GPS monitor everywhere he goes. In fact, many states have no minimum age to be placed on the sex offender registry.

I myself was placed on the Texas Sex Offender Registry for a choice made when I was 12 years old. I touched my 8-year-old sister twice. Full Letter

Background: Lena Dunham’s sister, Grace, defends sex stories

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This is an awesome letter. Unfortunately, it is written to a woman who recently opened her large PIE HOLE and stated that computer hackers who stumble across and release nude selfies found on other peoples’ computers, phones, cloud storage, etc. should have to register as sex offenders.
While I don’t defend anyone hacking into other peoples’ private devices, really, Lena?!?! Register them as sex offenders?!?! Really?!?!
Personally, based on that statement and with the recent admission that Ms. Dunham revealed in her book, I think it would be pure irony if she ended up on the registry. This is yet another example of how when you point a finger at someone you have 3 pointing back at you. It often seems that the biggest advocates for the registry are those with their own sh*t to hide from their past. It’s as if somehow their past sh*t is easier to deal with if they are demonizing someone else.
This was a nice letter. Unfortunately, he may as well have written it to Nancy Grace!

Good for Lena. Finally someone who admits at least one rarely spoken about truth; everyone is naturally curious about themselves and others. I disapprove of how plain curiosity gets twisted into something sexual.

I’ve always said these laws harm allot more children than proponents claim they protect or help. The fact of the matter is that I don’t believe it will ever be able to be proven weather or not these laws have ever protected or saved one child; yet the evidence of the harm done to many, many children is ignored and most people pretend it just doesn’t exist, or they are just plain deaf, dumb and blind. I chose to call this kind of ignorance stupidity; it seems more appropriate and much closer to the truth to call it that.