The first time I was called a sex offender, I was 13. These words meant nothing to me. The only context I had for them was the old man down the street who parents whispered about, saying he was a sex offender.
In fact thinking back, the term had always been applied to old men. So the words hit me with very little meaning. I would later learn that this label was how society would define me for the rest of my life. Full Op-Ed Piece
No Josh, we shouldn’t be labeling anyone under 18 as sex offenders. But then, we shouldn’t be labeling anyone who has completed their parole or probation as such either.
Society used to burn people as witches as well. Society has never been too bright when it comes to individual rights.
America used to be known as a country where everyone got a second chance.
Not those labelled “sex offenders” which is a stupid sound bite term and nothing more.
This is only going to get worse as America continues to spiral the drain into history.
Wow this is a very very sad day in America when a child can be convicted of and labeled for life as a sexual offender just because of his sexual curiosities as a child. The gov.and people have turned perfectly natural curiosities into crimes because they are to lazy or stupid to be able to educate and guide kids in the right derections. It makes me sick what happened to this guy and thousands more like him.
Man its realy suprising that no rso has went on killing sprees over these draconian laws. It just shows that most of these people are not the monsters they are made out to be.