FL: Sex offender had only one place to live – A parking lot

TAMPA — As a convicted sex offender, ____ ____ ____ was ordered to live in a small parking lot on Channelside Drive. For refusing to stay for more than a few weeks in the empty lot, ____ , 27, was sentenced to 10 years in state prison. On Friday, the 2nd District Court of Appeal reluctantly upheld ____ ’s punishment.

“We are troubled by the fact that the terms of ____ ’s community control have rendered him homeless,” the court wrote. “This does not appear to facilitate the goals of sex offender community control which are ‘treatment of the offender and the protection of society.’ ” Full Article


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OMG , Florida is run by a bunch of terrorist.

We are troubled by the fact that the terms of ____ ’s community control have rendered him homeless,” the court wrote.

The court failed to finish the sentence about being troubled…it’s more like “We are troubled by the fact that the terms of ____ ’s community control have rendered him homeless, but too damn bad for you, you poor sub-human piece of garbage.” the court should have written.
Doesn’t seem they were very troubled to me, just wonder if that’s moving westward towards California…

But the laws still aren’t punitive, right? Right guys?… Guys?

Registrant was forced to sleep out in a parking lot in 44 degree weather (That’s freezing to Floridians!) and they, SCOTUS, says that’s not punishment?

This is another example of another overzealous law enforcement agency. I’m honestly appalled. How on earth can anyone live in a parking lot? I mean, seriously. Truly sad!

Honestly law enforcement is just doing what they have been told to by their bosses and their community. It’s the laws and the ignorance of the residents there that are the main problem. I would love to take my eight year old to Disneyworld as I did my, now, 26 year old. But there is no chance in hell I will ever step foot in Florida again(just praying I never even have to change planes there). Even California has less ridiculous rules and enforcement than Florida. And they are both obnoxious in their rules. But I guess ultimately I hope these egregious incidents will eventually force the SCOTUS to review one of these and acknowledge this is post-facto punishment and also amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.

Basic human rights abuse but you think you can get a lawyer that gives a flying F in Florida!

Not hardly!

This is the sort of sh^t one would expect reading about in North Korea and not the USA!

Well, the days of freedom and justice for all are long gone folks!

I know sex offenders are getting the shaft and its really bad in Florida. It seems they don’t want to rehabilitate the sex offender since they can look into there human crystal ball and deem that person a menace to society. They deny housing, jobs, living as a normal. All this just for touching a kid. Seems barbaric to say the least. Its like nobody has remorse for the sex offender Now if someone spent 10 years in prison and society treated them like this. I would actually want to go back to prison. This is a perverse nation and a wicked generation like the bible says and this just goes to show you about people that think they are better off than the sex offender. Woo to them on judgment day. They are a bunch of stiff necked hypocrites.