HB1366 patroned by Del. Jeff Campbell, R-Marion, passed the House of Delegates recently, unanimously, with absolutely no discussion or debate and with very little notice by most Virginians. ***Article no longer online***
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I find the forces that I confront dealing with pastors and politicians is sort of the same in a way.. I look at Islam and yes it is evil by it’s nature because it is a closed in system of harm. Like a closed closet door that is locked from the inside how do you pick the lock to let some light in? We must find a way to get them to realized they’re lost before we can get them saved. The sex offender registry has to somehow be seen as WRONG. I thought the church would be the answer because of Bible teachings but emotions and worldly wisdom blinds the most scripturally literate
I was one of the people that went to speak in Richmond about this bill, and I found it very sad that only 3 of us were there out of thousands on the list. Everybody wants changes, but very few of you are willing to work for it. For those of you that don’t send emails, Dollars, or show up at meetings, for you I feel the Registries are made for.
Some forms of Islam are like that, such as the ones who execute gays. But not all Islam is evil, since Al Jezeera , by their name alone, probably means they are in that religion. Yet, they are a more honest media than the US media on registrant issues.
These politicians are “effin” idiots, their idiocy surpassed only by those who vote them in!
Beware of the zealot; pride goes before a fall. Just an observation over the years that those who push for harsher restrictions on others generally are hiding something similar in their own lives. These people will self destruct in time, just hope I’m around to see it.
There is a time for everything under the sun. The bible says this is a perverse nation. Yes, we have the sex registry but we can all stand up together and send letters to senators, etc. that is what I do. Since I am a sex offender I’ll have a group meeting in my house and we can all petition against the registry. You see Government is afraid of God. Yes, they might say they are Christian but are they really with rules like this. Do any of these rules show any love in them? Hating others is like hating oneself. Have you not heard the phrase “Erase the Hate”. The bible says “let God fight your battles” but we have to keep them in remembrance of God. Believe me government need’s to know that.
The article is online at http://www.roanoke.com/campbell-sex-offender-bill-would-stir-up-angry-mobs/article_1f367534-6ce0-52e2-b92d-314039a19c9f.html