FL: Bill Puts Lottery Winnings By Sex Offenders in Escrow

Sex offenders who hit it big in the Florida Lottery would have the winnings placed into escrow, giving their victims an opportunity to resolve any claims, under a proposal filed Friday by state Rep. Bob Cortes, R-Altamonte Springs. Full Article

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The SECOND anything remotely happens around, near, to or because of a sex offender, some idiot politician jumps on it and drafts a bill to put their name in the news as a champion of children.

Here we have a perfect example. A sex offender wins the lottery. Next, there will be a bill when a sex offender earns a paycheck, it will go into escrow.

By the way, the odds of winning the lotto are what, 100 million to 1? And considering the number of registered offenders in Florida, factor in the rate the state is trying to kill them due to over-regulation, a sex offender will probably never again win the lotto. So this is obviously a very necessary piece of legislation. You would think sex offenders win the lotto every few weeks since it has its own bill!

The worst part of all this is the winner probably wont send a dime to RSOL.

By the way, where is the escrow for murderers, drunk drivers, spousal abusers, robbers, etc? Enough said. Exposed for what the true motivation is.

Let’s put the paychecks of POLITICIANS in escrow. When they finish their term, if they did everything by the book and didn’t violate the Constitution, they get paid. If not, their pay goes to THEIR VICTIMS!!!

The Nazi’s just didn’t let their created lower class keep their winnings. They kept the $ for their own use and the public was SOL. I don’t think it will take long for registrants there to just have a non-registered family member claim the winnings.

(PS) I don’t consider any public official from that state an american.

Well, I was just thinking that I had seen it all. This is both a very surreal and rather disturbing proposed bill! Its very ironic that we are proposing bills like this, but yet the government tears into any story where racism is involved. If someone is called a name, prohibited from attending a school or ect ect, we scream racism and people are both in shock and horror. Yet, we have people that have been brought to justice, their issues addressed in court and in many occasions required to spend time in jail/or prison. These are both state ran institutions, but yet the state continues to rant about registered citizens with a less than 2 percent recidivism rate? In summary, they are essentially attempting to sell the judicial system as being incapable of rehabilitating first time offenders? Yet, they still want to continue to institute new laws? Wouldn’t it be better to institute better ways to rehabilitate first time offenders and set them up for success, rather than failure?

I think offenders play the lottery because the odds of winning a major prize in the lottery are greater than the odds of having a good career.

At least, that’s why I play.

Guys, the humor is wonderful! Truly. As such, we really need to take a careful look at this. I personally doubt that this law can be passed. If so, its going to court! If you really think about it, would you have ever guessed someone could be : banned from beaches/parks/libraries/pools/movie theaters/restaurants/forced to post signs in front of their homes during holidays/Halloween, required to carry a drivers license with their registration status on it and the list goes on and on. I even believe some are required to inform local law enforcement if they travel? Now, many sex offenders are even banned from traveling to other countries? Or, what about being banned from living in certain neighborhoods or living near a park or bus stop? This is something out of the twilight zone. I mean, if you had mentioned that any of this could have been possible 10-15 years ago, I could or would have called you crazy. It started out by posting personal photos, home addresses and other personal information online. How much worst could it get? Now, we have society or city officials turning registered citizens into monsters! From the everyday citizen, if I saw or noted these laws, I would view registered citizens as monsters who are just waiting to strike again! Yet, in essence, the officials are essentially conveying that they have the inability to rehabilitate first time offenders and that they have failed and the individuals with a less than 2 percent recidivism rate continue to pose a threat to society? As we are all aware, these current laws do nothing more than create issues for those of us affected and if someone wants to break the law, they will. So, wouldn’t it be in their bigger interest to do more to rehabilitate individuals and set them up for success rather than failure? If people are working, holding down jobs and starting families they are most apt to obey the laws and do the right thing? In todays society, there isn’t a day where you don’t turn on the TV and society if blasting people for racism! Racial profiling? Prohibited from attending a school or ect because or race or color? Called inappropriate names? Well, whats the difference? These officials are simply doing the same. Now, what if I was a convicted murderer? Bank Robber? Should I be treated any different after pleading to a misdemeanor battery 20 years back and receiving summary probation/expunged? Its ridicalous. So, why not file a civil lawsuit for prejudice? Racism? Think about it. Whats next? We can’t get on a bus? Take a train? Drive at night? Work? Use the restroom? Visit a hospital? Marry? Open a bank account? Hunt? Run? Apply for a business license? Play sports? Bicycle? Go outside at night? Have children? Would you have ever guessed the current laws would exist? Think about it!

So if the prize is a million, and you initially buy 1667 tickets, you can claim $600 at a time.
Next issue please.

this is in the terms of service part of the CA. lotto website. They do not specify who is a “banned person”

” You are 18 years of age or older and are not a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of California or the laws of other applicable jurisdictions”

does anyone know if California bans RC’s from winning the lottery? I just changed my street address on my account for second chance winners in the event they compare the winner to a SO database. I attempted to join something recently but was denied as I was filling out the online application because the address was registered to a RC. Me!!!