NH: Sex Offender Policy: Registries, Residency Restrictions, And Beyond (Radio)

New Hampshire Public Radio – Laws limiting where sex-offenders can live have been used in many towns and states aimed at protecting vulnerable populations, especially children. But a growing chorus of critics from police to civil rights attorneys argues these laws are unconstitutional and even counterproductive. We’ll look at the options that communities have in dealing with this sensitive issue. Radio Show

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It’s been about 20 years! I plead to a battery/wobbler and spent a little time in LA County/summary probation and massage parlor related. Reduced to misdemeanor/expunged and no issues prior/after! Im numb. I’m educated, married and to be honest,married to a very successful woman. Although, I’m banned from traveling to certain countries, harassed at customs,continue to register and shocked that someone like myself could be banned from visiting parks/beaches, living in certain areas and possibly participating in Halloween! It’s getting really old! I just moved from OC/where I attempted a cert of rehab some years back/not convicted in this region. The DA was a monster and liar/motion denied. I’ll be in/maybe LA County for the next year and try it again. I heard it’s easier. Pray for me! I’m tired!

Did you hear how lame the representative sounded when asked why she wanted residency restrictions? Her #1 answer was because towns should have the right to make that decision. It wasn’t to save the kids or because every registrant is dangerous. It was because, “I say so.” Every time she was asked a question she stumbled and gave the saddest, most pathetic rational for sex offender restrictions I have ever heard. It’s like she just assumed, “well, duh, this just makes sense…there’s no discussion necessary”. Well duh to you miss representative! It’s obvious that the discussion IS necessary and your co-guests on the program definitely think so. They couldn’t disagree more with the stance and arguments that you made. If you had stayed on the program any longer your constituents may have requested a recall on you due to your incompetence.

The Freshman Republican from Derry, Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien who, after bashing us with “local control” and saying New Hampshire is a “destination state” then backhandedly stated that (sex offenders) ” are probably among the most manipulative and conniving people that you will ever meet…” Ironically, I had that same crappy statement drilled into my head in my court ordered therapy which for me was 5 years outpatient.
Since then after 25 years I still won’t let that guilt trip rule my life.

As manipulative as registrants are described, they run a far second to politicians.

There enough evidence to back that up to fill the Grand Canyon.