NY: Bronx Dad’s Case Tests Restrictions on Sex Offenders

MANHATTAN (CN) – With a name resembling a kindergartner’s alphabet primer, the lawsuit ABC v. DEF takes on far more insidious themes – namely the parental rights of a Bronx man who spent eight years in prison for raping his ex’s teenage niece. A federal judge issued an order in the case last week that could earn that man unspecified financial compensation from New York state. Full Article

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ME: Residency restrictions for sex offenders offer false sense of security (Editorial)

Old Orchard Beach is considering placing restrictions on where sex offenders can live in the seaside, southern Maine community. While such restrictions could make residents and visitors feel safer, registries and limits on where offenders can live and work haven’t been shown to make much difference in their two-decade history. Instead, a heightened focus on treatment and rehabilitation would likely be more effective at reducing the horrific crime of sex abuse. Full Article

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