HARTFORD CITY – The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana on Tuesday filed a federal class action lawsuit on behalf of a Hartford City man concerned that a change in state law might impede his ability to vote. A new law went into effect July 1 that prohibits “serious sex offenders” from entering school property.
“One of the consequences of this is that these persons will be prohibited from voting at their designated polling place if it is located on school property,” the ACLU’s suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, contends. Full Article
I had a problem here in Lake County due to the large fire we had here for 2 weeks. First, the 2 evacuation centers were in the 2 nearest schools and Second, the County informational meeting was held at a school. So if I needed the evacuation center provided by the County, I was excluded. And I have no idea what information from the County I was excluded from hearing. So much for being a taxpayer with no services like other people receive.
I consider voting not just a right, but civic duty to be proud of as well. As a taxpayer, I have a right to be at a school when voting because that is a legitimate purpose. If someone steps on might right to vote, I WILL ALSO SUE to get my right back. I know that there is vote by mail, but i think it’s only fair i stand in line like most everyone else. For 12 years, i could not legally vote. Nobody’s going to stop me from exercising what rights i have left.
In some states, laws were passed to keep votings booths from being set up at a sex offenders’ residence. Why? Was anyone ever molested or assaulted in some way? No justification for the stupid lawmaking, but i guess it’s okay to allow votings booths at gang members and meth dealers’ homes?
Jim Crow, Stungs’ First Postulate, Orwellian Prediction, Nazi Germany in America, Big Brother. People are awake finally and are seeing all this, but they are still hungover from the long parties.
Extending that olive branch is a nice gensture, but i don’t know that anyone of my generation really even knows what that means, but maybe a nice cup of coffee to help them wake up would be good.
Especially if it’s dumped on their lap.
Taxation without representation since no law makers represent any ex offender rights or needs and we are denied a vast variety of public services and public places. Yet were still required to pay taxes so we can be denied services and be ostrasized from public places.
Unfortunately, our government has failed to take steps that will make a meaningful difference in preventing sex offenses. Megan’s Law, civil commitment, and the newest trend in anti-sex offender legislation, banishment zones, which restrict sex offenders from living within certain geographic areas, all play to the fears of the public.