FL: Pahokee church opens its doors to sex offenders

PAHOKEE, Fla. – If you stop by First United Methodist Church in Pahokee, you’ll hear a united voice to the beat of 24-year old ____ ____. “I was going to be in a band,” he says. Inside this sanctuary, he’s a member of this congregation. Outside of it, in the eyes of the law, he’s a convicted sex offender. “I can’t live next to a park, playground, school, daycare, anywhere children congregate,” ____ says. Full Article

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CA RSOL to Conduct Monthly Meeting on March 12 in San Diego

California RSOL will conduct a monthly meeting of registrants, family members and supporters in San Diego on March 12. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and be held at California Western Law School, 225 Cedar Street, in downtown San Diego. Janice Bellucci will lead the meeting and discuss the ongoing legal challenge to the International Megan’s Law which requires the addition of a “unique identifier” to the passports of some registrants and notifications to be sent to foreign countries when more registrants plan to travel internationally. Other topics to…

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