Theresa Robertson of York County said “pariah” is the word most people think of when the sex offender registry is mentioned, and she and the group Women Against Registry feel that needs to change. Full Article
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I thought the article contained some decent points. The comments section is ridiculous and it will probably end up being the basis for a book one day.
The comment section on this article is blowing up with arguments. over 400+ comments already. lol. crazy but good.
I agree, the comments..crazy. So much hate, anger and completely uneducated views. Anyone who is anti registry becomes labeled as ‘sex offender’ or ‘pedophile’ just for having an opinion. And the pro registry view is just plain bad, void of any facts, and goes more or less like, ‘They deserve what they get’ not understanding that their own 18 yr old son could end up being that very person. The internet has brought about many good things but the amount of deep seeded hatred from keyboard warriors is truly sad.
Its easy to spout vulgar hateful things when your face is masked by a keyboard. That’s what gives these people false power. I dare any of them to say the same things to me face to face. To hell with turn the other cheek. I would hurt them. What would I have to lose, my freedom?