Sex offenders would have to disclose email addresses and usernames under bill sent to governor

Sex offenders would be required to report their email addresses, usernames and other Internet identifiers to law enforcement under a bill California state senators sent to the governor Wednesday. Full Article

SB 448

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Janice, will this be challenged? I for one, have legitimate legal businesses on the internet and I don’t want law enforcement mucking about in my stuff. When will this nonsense ever stop? I have completely rebuilt my life with hard work and don’t deserve to have to share my info with anyone seeking to harm me. There is no way I could ever remember all the e-mail addresses and host names I have used. what if I miss one? It smacks of a complete setup to take people down.

This is getting ridiculous

The applicability to those convicted on or after Jan. 1, 2017 will be used as a “dangerous loophole” that will need to be closed. If this law passes, then our enemies in Sacramento will determine that it is not punishment and therefore if it protects people from recently convicted Former Citizen Detainees, then it is a loophole we are exploiting to rape, molest and murder and they will pass an amendment to the law to close that loophole.

Remember, the lawmakers of California are our enemies. The formula for an enemy:

Is this person my friend? If no, proceed.
Is this person in a position of influence, power or have an established route to be heard? If yes, proceed.
Does this person support or have played a part in any law, regulation or ordnance that changes the legality of my post-punishment behavior. If yes, then this person is my enemy.

Sacramento lawmakers, their staff, their families and friends are my enemies.

The comments above are correct. If signed by the Governor, this law can only be applied to individuals convicted on or after January 1, 2017.

I already have a list of “creative” usernames my Californian friends can submit to authorities such as:


this law is still unconstitutional, because even if they are internet related, it still would chill
their freedom of speech right?

I notice the above cited LA Times article does not mention CARSOL, but only ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Why?

Here is an article from *THE* Harvard Law Review that rightfully gives credit to CARSOL:

“On the day that the Act was intended to take effect, two individual plaintiffs and the nonprofit group California Reform Sex Offender Laws, representing a ‘class of registered sex offenders who regularly use the Internet to advocate anonymously on behalf of sex offenders,’ filed suit, alleging that the Act’s Internet-use measures violated the offenders’ First Amendment rights to free speech and free association and were void for vagueness pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment.”

I firmly believe SB 448 can be blocked, because it chills freedom of speech!!!!!

SB 448 also puts any warrants for anything even as benign as an unpaid jaywalking ticket for any registrant on a website. SB 448 is not only about internet identifiers for those convicted after Jan 1, 2017 for internet related crimes. It also applies to all registrants as far as warrants which any police agency such as FB Police can issue a warrant unbeknownst to the registrant. Go to a website to read an article on politics, go to the bathroom for a minute and the site links to some FaceBook afffiated site and bam, that’s trespassing in the eyes of FB Police. Warrant time.