SC: Sex Offender on Oxygen Forced to Move into Tent in Woods Because of Insane Residency Restrictions

_____ ____ ____ has severe respiratory problems and is supposed to spend eight hours a day on oxygen. Unfortunately, he has just been forced to move into a tent in the woods, in the middle of winter in South Carolina. He is only allowed to be at home for 6 hours a day, max, or he could be arrested. Full Article

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This poor man that must suffer what can only be called what it truly is…. torture! Cast out in banishment in his older years of life, sick and literally dying in a tent in the winter for a decades old crime that he paid his dues for already but now must face his greatest punishment. No greater punishment exsists than a slow death in isolation, poverty and waiting to die from living in the woods in winter in a tent.

Those countries thinking about having registries remember this man. This is what the registry produces when left unchecked.

I remember years back in Michigan when a man couldn’t get in any shelters in winter and he literally froze to death. He was really murdered! American citizens cheered his terrible death by banishment and history books will remember him as the man who was literally sentenced to death by legislation and poverty.

The mid evil times has nothing on this broken modern day of pure evil.

Absolutely rage-inducing.

Here’s what I would have told the cops if it were me: Understand that I’m not going anywhere. This is my home. Not only do we not have the funds to move again, my health is declining and I will likely die if my only alternative is camping some arbitrary distance away out in the elements, all for an imaginary threat, for something I might do in the future, but somehow haven’t for the last 30 years. Everyone knows that offenders only offend within x number of feet from schools or daycares, right? Isn’t that what all the anecdotal evidence proves? So I guess I’ll be seeing you guys again when you come to arrest me. I’m sure taxpayers won’t mind funding my daily health needs, right? (And I’d gesture toward all the oxygen equipment).

I’d end up in jail because I’d refuse to comply with any law that jeopardizes my health and removes me from my home and only support system. This man could very well end up dying at the hands of this criminal government enforcing its nonsensical laws.

Also, the fact that some busybody complaining is enough to upend someone’s life, a supposedly-free citizen who long ago paid his debt to society and is just trying to survive and live in peace, is a reminder of why the registry, at the very least, need not be public. It’s been demonstrated time and again that the public cannot be trusted with that information.

But, we have to remember, it’s not punishment, right? It’s just like a Price Club membership.

I just read this story in full and nearly threw up. Then I made the mistake of reading the comments. Rage does not describe what I am feeling toward some of the Neanderthals who are allowed to have access to the internet.

I love it when I can post on those sites..makes me feel good to throw all my data at em…check out the comments section its great..

I truly hope a SC atty will take their case pro bono and help them sue the sheriff’s dept for screwing with them because of their lack of attention to detail about the location initially. A nice big fat insurance check would help them. Then, I hope they at the same time sue the city, county, or state who has instituted this stupid residency restriction, so it too will fall the same way the NC law did.

Is there not a national network of attys who take on RC cases like these to help prove a point?

So exactly what makes self righteous people (and that’s using the term loosely) any less than Nazi’s?

I can’t think of anything to differentiate these actions from those of Krystal-Nacht for all intents and purposes.

This is insane. The more and more I read these articles, the more I want to leave this country. I feel that we are in a new trend of “Kid Safety Paranoia”.

This is pure evil!

If I were this guy, what would I have to lose, I would scrape up enough dough to take a bus to Colombia and set my tent on the state house steps.

I wish I had the means to help. Can we start a donation? Ask the lady (Susi?) to post on one of those “kickstarter” style sites. Maybe they could raise enough to get them a cheap rv or something.

I’d let them come to my land if they had a way here.

WOW, after I read the article I felt so lucky to have family and friends, then anger hit me like a ton of bricks. This is so wrong and the lawmakers need to be hanged, stop taking this people.

If he is going to die anyway, why not just stay in the home and refuse to leave?

It would take half a day to get enough guns and ammo to present a deadly stance against our enemies that would try to remove him from the home.

There is no honor in dying of hypothermia in the woods, but there is great honor in dying to defend the walls of your home from the invading enemy. He will not get into Valhalla by withering up and dying, only death in battle will grant him entry.

He should be ashamed to accept his death like this. His death is the only thing left that he can control. Like all former Citizen Detainees, we choose when to stop registering, we choose when to die and we choose how we die.