FL: Sex Predator Who Won Lottery Settles Lawsuit

ORLANDO, Fla. — (WKMG) — A convicted sex predator who won a $3 million Florida Lottery jackpot has settled a lawsuit filed by his alleged victims.

The plaintiffs’ suit against ___ ____, 45, was scheduled to go trial this week in Orange County Circuit Court. However, like many other civil cases, the parties were able to reach an agreement days before jury selection was expected to begin. Full Article

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What about the victims of a hardened gang member thug Jeremy Meeks who became famous for his “hot” mugshot? He’s now rolling in money yet where are victims able to go after money from this guy? This only seems to apply to sex offenders.

“After Poole’s jackpot, some Florida legislators unsuccessfully attempted to pass a law that would have required any sex offenders’ lottery winnings to be placed in an escrow account for a year, giving victims an opportunity to make a claim.”

Nothing unequal or punishing, about that, whatsoever…

Man would that kind of money make filing a lawsuit a breeze or what.

Very convenient they sued after he won a jackpot but not before. Must not be a statute of limitations on that (it was 20 years later…)

I wouldn’t want to keep money from going to victims, but there should be some fair percentage cap and max ceiling within reason.

Otherwise, future winners will just form some type of corporation and have it win the prize and then pay themselves out of it, or have some relative claim the prize and make sure they get to enjoy it too. If the guy got financial advise first before collecting, he probably wouldn’t be in this situation.

As usual, the sex offender knows judges and juries will continue punishing him in any way they can for the rest of his life, constitutional or not…

Anyone know of ant laws in California barring SO’s from collecting lottery winnings?

Forming an LLC would be a prudent move for anyone who thinks ahead when they know they have won. Talking w/an atty who is knowledgeable about it would be a good idea. To open an LLC and keep it maintain is very inexpensive annually. Just talk with a small business office with the county or city.

If you open civil suits like this to one class of people, you better open it to all (and contribute to our nation’s lawsuit happy culture) to avoid discrimination where a statute of limitation is limitless. Frankly, 20 years later is a bit much and something that should have been dismissed. The parents should have done something then about it and should be sued since they did not.

Sex offenders play the lottery because the odds of winning are greater than the odds of being considered humans by their former countrymen or establishing a good career.

He should spend the money on property in another country were he can live a normal life away from this hypocritical society that has decided all men are created equal except for this group of people. He should donate the rest to the organizations leading the fight against these unfair unconstitutional laws like NARSOL. I love how they call him a Sex predator like he is stalking a child right now as I type this rant. Even Sex offender is ridiculous neither of these suggests a past wrong but a present danger the goal to all this BS designed to take away rights. The whole Sex offender registration case in the supreme court that lead to legalizing this witch hut was found to stem from a magazine article by a psychiatrist saying they all people who have committed a sex crime re-offend and cannot be cured with no facts to support this theory but it swayed the idiot judges. Ya how do ya like that the lives of thousands decided because of a magazine article that ended up being wrong. The re-offence rate for sex crimes is around 5% the lowest next to murder. This is not about safety folks this is about removing rights from the pariah today and yours tomorrow they are playing the long game.

Omg…, Seriously… First isn’t it nice how the article starts… ” Sex Predator” all RSO’s being stigmatized and labled… Oh and get rid of the statute of limitations for civil suit…. Nothing like saying, don’t ever make anything out of your life if you do, you’ll be sued… In Cali they got rid of the statute of limitations to be charged with a sex offense and that same law is in the plans in Washington state… Enough already…