Senate Education Committee to Hear Schools Bill on March 8 [UPDATED 2]

***UPDATE 2: The hearing for this bill (see below) has been postponed indefinitely. We will post any new date as soon as we become aware of it. *3/1/2017)***

***UPDATE: letters regarding this bill addressed to Senate Education Committee Chairman Ben Allen can be sent by E-mail, which saves postage and time.  The E-mail address is for staffer Irma Kam is ***

The Senate Education Committee is scheduled to consider Senate Bill 26 (SB 26) on March 8. This is the first of two committees slated to consider the bill which would prohibit all registrants from visiting all K-12 school campuses.
The committee hearing will include consideration of several bills and begin at 9 a.m. in Room 4203 of the State Capitol.

“Senate Bill 26 must be stopped,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “If this bill passes, children will be harmed because their parents will not be able to support them at academic and athletic events, including graduations.”

The bill’s author is Senator Connie Leyva whose district includes the City of Fontana where the school district board adopted a “zero tolerance policy” toward registrants on the district’s 46 school campuses. Following adoption of that policy, the school district was sued.

“We cannot let the cancer created in Fontana to spread throughout the state of California,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.

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How can we support opposition of this bill?

Damn cant even go to my kids graduation thats sad I’ll be there smh

The senator should be compelled to provide evidence as to exactly why the bill is necessary- i.e. facts and figures, and their sources. Ask her to cite the statistics of RCs committing offenses on school campuses and provide these facts at the hearing.

My school, my failures, my problem, writing and emailing and on site Sac 3-8@Capitol SB26 WILL FAIL!

Senate Education Committee

   Senator Benjamin Allen (Chair) (D)
   Senator Scott Wilk (Vice Chair) (R)
   Senator Cathleen Galgiani (D)
   Senator Connie M. Leyva (D)
   Senator Tony Mendoza (D)
   Senator Richard Pan (D)
   Senator Andy Vidak (R)
State Capitol, Room 2083
Sacramento, CA  95814
Phone: (916) 651-4105
Fax: (916) 445-7799

This is really dumb! What if your a single parent? I’m sure many of you are married and maybe your spouse works and you take care of your children? My son participates in sports, band and a variety of other things. My expunged conviction was at a massage parlor? I don’t know who this woman is, but I’ve never heard of a registered offender/parent creating any issues at a school? I might look at the drug dealers, prostitutes, dui’s, spousal abusers or drive by gang members first, rather than a guy with a 21 year old expunged offense that resulted in summary probation. There isn’t almost a day that goes by where you don’t hear about teachers/student issues. Good luck

So they want to discriminate against our children?

From the CA Dept of Education web site:
“California will provide a world-class education for all students, from early childhood to adulthood. The Department of Education serves our state by innovating and collaborating with educators, schools, parents, and community partners. Together, as a team, we prepare students to live, work, and thrive in a multicultural, multilingual, and highly connected world.”

How can they accomplish this by discriminating against my kids right out of the gate.

My daughter’s school had an Open House last week. Her math teacher was going to provide extra credit to those whose parents attended. I couldn’t go so no extra credit for her. How can I fully participate in her education if I have to jump through hoops and possibly expose her to ridicule to even go to school events?

I say it should be the opposite. There should be a bill that cements the right of all parents to participate fully in their child’s education. This includes visiting the school for any events, parent conferences, graduations, etc.

It boggles my mind that this isn’t so already.

I sent an email today to voice my opposition to SB 26. I will be making phone calls next.

So….who are we eamailing exactly? I clicked on the link but didn’t see a contact that stood out.

I mailed letters to each Committe Senator today. I’ll be phoning tomorrow.

You can mention in your letters that SB 26 is overkill because it is already difficult for an RC to enter school property: Existing state law PC 626(a)(4) requires a registrant to have a lawful purpose and written permission before entering a school (it says “school” is defined as any public or private elementary school, junior high school, four-year high school, senior high school, adult school or any branch thereof, opportunity school, continuation high school, regional occupational center, evening high school, or technical school or any public right-of-way situated immediately adjacent to school property or any other place if a teacher and one or more pupils are required to be at that place in connection with assigned school activities.)

When writing letters/emails on this issue, also mention that many schools in small communities are the main hub of the town. They are also used for Public Meetings, Political Events, Voting, Social Events, Private Events, Disaster Relief, Emergency Shelter and many other community activities after school hours. In many communities, the only place to go during a disaster is the school auditorium and this is the place the town will say to go for information, shelter and other relief help. I’ve suffered through 2 major local fires and 1 major flood in the last three years and have been unable to receive services because I would have to go onto a High School campus to get information and services.

So it’s important to talk about the issues parents have as Registered Citizens, but we should also let them know that other taxpayers have legitimate reasons to enter a school campus too.

There is no shortage of research documenting the relationship between parental involvement (at home and AT school) and student academic / overall success.

see here

“The most accurate predictors of student achievement in school are not family income or social status, but the extent to which the family creates a home environment that encourages learning, communicates high yet reasonable expectations for the child’s achievement, and becomes involved in the child’s education at school.”

Dooming the children of 100,000 residents to fail… making them “pay for the sins of the father”… NICE!!!

My great-grandson , is 17 now , playing football and a Jr. at St. Joes Cathlic school . I have paid for his school sence his mother died 5 years ago . (Drugs) , His father , has abandon him, also doing drugs.
I have seen to it that he has a good & stable home. I am his only family member who has stepped up to help , or that has the financual ability to. I have a business that he could be , and is a part of .
It has been 33 years sence my conviction . More unnessary laws are not needed.
It is hard to see him have tobe humilated now because his great grand dad cant go to his football games .

Got an email saying this bill is on hold, told to not call or send letters. Too late. Sent the letters already.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the senator’s district office and had a encouraging encounter with staff. I also prior to our capital visit met with her Judicial staff over not just SB-26 but a tiered registry. Her staff were very cordial. These leaders often are not aware of the fine deals but are often driven by knee-jerk and emotional constituients that lack the true facts. I hope to multiple myself throughout the state with other RSOs and/or their family members to have more boots on the ground. Janice and team have laid the ground work and did the hard part but we all can in our own way support her and the team going forward by using our own talents on the ground where we work and live. If we can’t help directly we can by commenting online and/or donate a few bucks for the cause by hitting the donation button on this site. As Frank has stated, “We are ALL in this together.” I focus on salons and barbershops and train others to do what I do by sharpening scissors and doing scissor drawing for candidates (in their name) that are more reasonable towards our rights. Lets continue making our voices heard. As Janice would say…Show up, Stand up and speak up. See you at the next meeting and be encouraged…

“The hearing for this bill (see below) has been postponed indefinitely.”


I figured they would. They will wait until the tiered bill and then try to ban 2’s and 3’s.


We are in the middle of a battlefield, and you guys are debating whether or not we should fight! If SB 695 loses, it will be AT LEAST 2 YEARS before we get another chance at relief!

Are you or are you not willing to commit to joining us NOW in writing letters and making calls in support of the IMPERFECT tiered registry bill SB 695 that would become a law that will be the foundation for our freedom?

If you will not write letters, I challenge you to have the courage to talk to some of those tens of thousands of RC families, homeless RCs, and suicidal RCs to hear what they think of intellectual nitpicking that blocks potential relief. Can you live with telling them that their hope doesn’t mean as much as your armchair dissension?

SB 695 CAN and WILL be changed over time once it becomes law. The fact that SB 26 disappeared shows you that bills and laws can be modified, passed, and dismissed by what you guys do. We can work hard to get Static 99 modified. Janice is highly competent in doing this due to her legal specialty–helping us! NONE of us sees as much of the Big Picture as her.

PLEASE REPLY to this message to state whether or not you will support our efforts NOW by writing letters for SB 695 . The deadline for letters to reach Sacramento is March 10 if you want to have them influence our lobbying (March 31 if you only want them to reach the senators in time for the hearing).

Divided, we get steamrolled by RC haters.

United, we gain hope.