Janice’s Journal: Senate Bill 26 Has Been Stopped!

Senate Bill 26, which would have prohibited all registrants from visiting all schools for all reasons has been stopped!

This early victory in the State Capitol came about, in part, because of the efforts of 36 people — registrants, family members and supporters — who lobbied in opposition to that bill a few months ago. In a series of meetings with members and staff of the Senate and Assembly, registrants explained how the bill would harm, not help, school children. They also explained that the bill could prevent them from voting, delivering mail and conducting business even when children are not present.

Participation in some of these meetings was tough, but necessary. Tears were shed. Voices were heard. We learned a lot about the issues and we learned about each other during those two days. And in the end, we felt empowered.
Our voices were also heard when many more people wrote letters of opposition and made calls to members of the Senate Education Committee which was scheduled to consider the bill on March 8. In our letters and calls, we schooled the committee members about the value of parental support in a child’s education including higher grades and test scores, better social skills, and higher rates of postsecondary education.

In our efforts opposing Senate Bill 26, we learned an important lesson. We learned that we can make a difference. We also learned that when we move outside our comfort zones, we gain confidence and become empowered.

There will be many more opportunities to make a difference this year. One of those opportunities is to voice our support for a tiered registry. While the tiered registry bill (Senate Bill 695) that has been introduced is not perfect, this is the time to explain to legislators how it can be improved. This is the time to write letters, make phone calls and join the next lobbying effort in the State Capitol on March 20 and 21. It is also time to make plans to speak before the Senate Public Safety Committee. Although a firm date has not yet been set, it is expected that the committee will consider the bill in mid-April.

Join us today by writing letters and making phone calls in support of a tiered registry. Join us tomorrow by lobbying in the State Capitol and speaking before the Senate Public Safety Committee. And when you do, you will gain confidence and become empowered. And when you do, we will all benefit knowing that “we are all in this together”.

— by Janice Bellucci – read all Janice’s Journals



Senator Nancy Skinner (Chair)
State Capitol, Room 2031
Sacramento, CA  95814
Phone:  (916) 651-4009
Fax:  (916) 327-1997

Senator Joel Anderson (Vice Chair)
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.651.4038
Fax: 916.651.4938

Senator Steven Bradford
State Capitol, Room 4085
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4035
Fax: (916) 651-4935

Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson
Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 2032
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4019

Senator Holly J. Mitchell – Co-Author
State Capitol, Room 5080
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4030
Fax: (916) 651-4930

Senator Jeff Stone
State Capitol, Room 4062
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4028
Fax: (916) 651-4928

Senator Scott D. Wiener
state Capitol, Room 4066
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4011

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  • Tiered registry bill (Senate Bill 695) introduced on Feb. 17
    • Senators Ricardo Lara and Holly Mitchell authors
    • Bill supported by CA Sex Offender Management Board
  • Current registry provides public with “False Sense of Security”
    • More than 90 percent of those who assault a child are family members, teachers, coaches, clergy and are NOT on sex offender registry
    • Less than 1 percent of sex offenders on parole commit another sex offense – CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
    • Only 5.3 percent of all sex offenders commit another sex offense – U.S. DOJ
  • Tiered registry for sex offenders would increase public safety and save $115 million annually for state and local governments
    • The registry includes many individuals who pose little threat to society such as those convicted of the non-violent crimes of “sexting” on a cell phone, urinating in public, and engaging in consensual teen sex.
    • The registry also includes individuals who pose significant threat to society such as those convicted of multiple sexual assaults against children and adults.
  • Tiered registries exist in 46 of the nation’s 50 states and successfully protect the citizens of those states
    • California is only 1 of 4 states with lifetime registries along with Alabama, South Carolina and Florida.
  • Tiered registry would end a life-time sentence for registrants who do NOT pose current harm to society
    • Registrants often lose their jobs and/or housing solely because they are registrants.  Section 8 housing not available to individuals listed on a lifetime registry (like California).
    • Some registrants are physically harmed, even murdered, by vigilantes.
  • All individuals required to register under Penal Code Section 290 would remain on the registry for at least 10 years
    • Those convicted of low level offenses could leave registry in 10 years
    • Those convicted of moderate level offenses could leave registry in 20 years
  • A tiered registry would continue life-time registration for those who pose a current significant harm to society

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Congratulations Janice and to everyone that made a difference that day in the capitol.

Will RSOs still have to file a request to visit a school even when we’re just picking up our children?

Wonderful news!!

Although I personally don’t want or need to enter a school property, I thank ACSOL and the 36 people, registrants, family members and supporters who lobbied in opposition to this bill. We definitely should count this as a major win. This will likely be the last time a bill on this issue will be submitted.

I say again, “Yesssssssssssssssssss!”

Im a RC, I have attend my child’s graduation and I was afraid that I would be arrested for showing up on campus. I thought to myself if I do get arrested then this is worth it.
I m glad that this fail! Keep pushing to get the registration laws removed. I;d like to see that happens in my life time.

Everything is going in the right direction. I believe that everything will continue in the right directions. Thanks to everyone has has helped and thanks to everyone that will help.

“Tiered registries exist in 46 of the nation’s 50 states and successfully protect the citizens of those states.”

Wait, you actually expect us to say that? That’s a load of BS and you know it.

***Please choose a user name that does not contain links to other web sites. -Moderator***

Bravo Bravo Bravo!!!

Our heads tip down to Janice and thee 36 fellows who:

Stepped Forward Front & Center with Courage & without Fear!!

The Father Most High who has been with us, is with us, & we pray to continue to be with us.

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

This is wonderful news. I personally wasn’t too concerned regarding this bill! I think this is another example of positive teamwork and hard work! People need to remain positive! Stay away for negativeness! It won’t get you anywhere!

Great job, Janice and the 33 lobbyists!

Amazing! See… chipping away.

On a different note, I didn’t know registrants were excluded from section 8 housing. What’s this form of segregation all about? I know about employment such as the fire department won’t accept registrants, but will accept violent offenders. I didn’t realize how much freedom was taken away as a registrant and still taken away after serving time. It’s as if you’re still being “punished” despite a paper saying you’re rehabilitated.

Like how many rehabilitative hoops must one jump through? 1203.4, CoR, and a Pardon? Any other group of convicts get this blanket hoops enforcement?

Many thanks to all that contributed to the efforts of eliminating bill’s that would not only compound rso’s citizen’s rights (parents and all relatives) but also increase collateral damages i.e. inflicting cruelties against our children whom in their innocence suffer due to the stigmatism society has placed upon us. There are many whom have fallen victim to

Tiered Registries can exist in any number of states and they will continue to protect no one. They will kill most empathy that a family listed on them may have for other people. They will help listed families hate big government, their law enforcement criminals, and most people. They will increase crime. They will cause retaliation, every day. They will be counterproductive. They will continue to harm America. They will continue to destroy America’s credibility.

People in the U.S. have a long, complete, sordid history of doing stupid, immoral, illegal, and un-American actions against the hated people of the moment. The Registries are just the latest incarnation from those bad people that have always been in America.

“Tiered registry would end a life-time sentence for registrants who do NOT pose current harm to society”

That statement is NOT true. There is no guarantee it will end our lifetime sentences because we still have to depend on a judge to grant relief. As long as we have to depend on elected/appointed officials to determine whether we are granted relief from the registry, I still fear that very few if any of us will see such relief.

This bill has been revived and re-presented. It is no longer dead.


Here’s the parts added to the revised bill. Certainly improved, but it still excludes too many parents.

626.81. (a) A person who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 290, for the duration of the time he or she is required to register, who comes into enters any school building or upon any school grounds, grounds without lawful business is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) (1) A person who is subject to subdivision (a) may enter a school building or upon school grounds to conduct lawful business at the school only when pupils are not present, except as otherwise provided in this subdivision.
(2) A person who is subject to subdivision (a) and who is a parent or guardian of a pupil who attends the school may enter a school building or upon school grounds for purposes that relate to his or her right to make educational decisions for his or her child. The person shall be supervised by a school official while in the school buildings or upon school grounds.
(3) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a person who is subject to subdivision (a) and who is a parent or guardian of a pupil who attends the school may enter a school building or upon school grounds for any lawful purpose. The person shall be supervised by a school official while in the school building or upon school grounds.
(B) A person may not enter into a school building or upon school grounds pursuant to this paragraph if he or she is required to register for a conviction in a court in this state or a federal or military court of a violation of Section 243.4, 261, 286, 288, 288.5, 288a, or 289, Section 209 with the intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289, subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 236.1, any offense involving lewd or lascivious conduct under Section 272, a felony violation of Section 288.2, or a violation of subdivision (c) of Section 653f.
(4) A registered sex offender may enter a polling place located in a school building or on school grounds for the purpose of voting in an election.

Committee Hearing Date: 03/29/17