Jacob Wetterling Resource Center: We Spend Too Much Money Watching Sex Offenders

Thursday was National Missing Children’s Day, a day meant to highlight the problem of child abduction.

And while there have been advancements in laws and technology to keep children safe and help families, an organization known for protecting kids thinks says we spend too much money in at least one area.

“There is huge hysteria around released sex offenders when they are not usually the problem,” said Alison Feigh, the program director at the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center

Feigh said children are harmed most often by people they know, trust and have access to – not convicted sex offenders. Full Article

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If only everyone would look at the facts and act accordingly…it’s a shame that the ones pushing for more harsh laws are generally the ones who aren’t even affected to begin with and thus, don’t understand anything about it.

While it’s totally great to see this stuff being discussed and written about now, my first thought was “duh”.

I viewed cp. I got caught. I went to jail. I am home, I’ll never commit a sex crime ever again. I will face God asking for forgiveness and with a cleansed soul.

If community notification, SORNA didn’t exist, children would not be less safe. Cops WANT parents to live in fear in order to protect their cushy pie jobs while spewing toxic carbon monoxide in the air doing “compliance” checks.

Anyone that claims to be a “child safety advocate” is waging a misguided and misdirected crusade.

These so called child safety advocates always make the assumption about children that go missing are kidnapped for sex trafficking, and sexual abuse, when they could be runaways and living homeless out in the streets.

“There is huge hysteria around released sex offenders when they are not usually the problem,”

Repulsive. The Wetterling’s were paramount in the creation of federal legislation that allowed states to unconstitutionally watch sex offenders. They created that hysteria. They are responsible for the registries. They don’t get a do-over. If they want to make reparations, they can do so by spending every dime of every donation they get to repeal the laws. Insignificant commentary by the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center does not get anyone anywhere.


As far as I am concerned, they are taking a neutral stance by just saying the money and attention to those who previously committed a sex crime is being wasted.

They need to say the complete and real truth.

They need to say that any Sex Offender law puts more children at risk than it helps, and effectively de-rails our exiting criminal justice system. Prior to this Sex Offender hysteria created in part by the Wetterlings, a Judge could tailor punishment, rehabilitation, and protecting the public to each individual offender. Now that the Legislative Branch has taken over that job, it’s a one-size-fits-none broad approach to treat everyone as the worst case scenario possible.

Thanks to these broad, arbitrary, and draconian laws, families don’t turn in other family members out of fear that the primary bread winner will be forever unemployable and unable to find housing for the family. This just puts more and more children at risk. Taking away a person’s ability to re-integrate with society (like every other criminal) also puts more kids at risk as it increases the likelihood of recidivism.

All those involved with creating and pushing these laws through need to share in the responsibility for all the kids that are getting hurt from it. They are the ones that people should fear and put on a “registry”.