NY: Sex offender’s future home goes up in flames amid neighborhood outcry

Residents of a Long Island neighborhood were so afraid that a kiddie-perv teacher was about to move in that someone posted fliers alerting everyone — and on Tuesday, his family’s under-construction home was burned to the ground. Full Article

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If the person who put up the flyers started the fire or even encouraged someone else to start that fire, they are an accomplice to a crime.
It could have ended in far greater tragedy, engulfing the home next door, killing people inside.
Whoever placed those posters should be tracked down and prosecuted for insighting a hate crime.

Except no one will be punished, the police won’t even investigate… I know the wife of the guy from a long time and she is a great person, who is punished by someone else’s misdeeds… Its sad.

My heart weeps for this family. This is characteristic of a witch hunt behavior and is indeed a hate crime. My prayer is that the people responsible for this are found and prosecuted. Unfortunately, because of the stigma attached to sex offenders and the attitude that blankets law enforcement regarding people convicted of sex offenses, this will probably get low level attention from law enforcement.

Let the person who started the fire be caught. Let them endure a trial, let them be truly remorseful for behavior undertaken. Then let them face all the obstacles that will be put in their path for being a convicted arsonist, which I know will only be a small fraction of the obstacles their targeted family faces daily.

you’re right build what’s the chances of that happening unfortunately not very high…

I wanted to post a comment at the article but did not see any way to do that. Does anyone see a way?

I hope this fire was an accident. Because if it was not then this neighborhood has a criminal who, unlike Daniel Reilly, is actually very dangerous to strangers and society. A person who intentionally set that fire could very easily already be a murderer and murdered more people.

This story just illustrates the pure stupidity that is the S*x Offender Registries (SORs). The SORs embody stupidity. If I lived in that neighborhood with my 13 year old daughter, I wouldn’t be concerned about Daniel Reilly in the slightest. And that is because I am an actual parent who is actually involved in my children’s lives and I supervise them. I’m confident that my daughters wouldn’t be hanging out with him and I wouldn’t even worry about it if they did. There could be any other person already living in that neighborhood (!!!!) that my daughters might be around and who is NOT Registered with big government who could have done much worse and/or have much worse intentions than Reilly ever dreamed of. So the simple fact is that it doesn’t matter if Reilly is around or not, I’m going to have to stay involved with my children and help them be smart.

Unless the house builder, Glenn Miller, does a background check on all of his clients and rejects any that have any past moral issues, he is an un-American douche bag. Annemarie Reilly was waaaaay too nice to him. If I had a person building my home that was being an ass about my spouse, I would tell the person to mind his own f’ing business, shut his stupid mouth, and honor his contract. Miller’s job is to build a house, I doubt that his contract includes anything about judging people. The Reilly should do anything that is legal to harm Glenn Miller’s business and lower the quality of his family’s lives. People should always retaliate against Registry harassers/terrorists.

Or, the Reillys could do what I’ve done with dbags like Glenn Miller before – make him an offer to buy his way out of his stupidity. But really make it cost him. Tell him the price is a test to see how strong his fake “convictions” really are.

Fires don’t have boundaries. Only a person with a severely disordered state of mind would burn down someone’s house because they didn’t want them as a neighbor. The residents have something far worse to worry about now- a pyromaniac in their midst. One of my neighbors tried to burn down his own house with his partner in it because of a domestic quarrel, a few years back. ( we live in a high risk fire area) He got 2 years in prison.

Laura Ahearn, it’s working just as you want it. You self serving User. You POLITICAL Hack.

Who is going to pay for this damage when no arsonist is identified?