Worried that the law sometimes imposes too big a penalty on teens who engage in consensual sexual activity, some legislators are pushing to reduce the consequences.
More than 20 years ago, when ____ ____ was 19 and his girlfriend Amber was 15, Montana’s laws tore them apart, sending Russell to prison for four years for having sex with a minor. Source
“The laws are still far too punitive with Juveniles Offenders given that recidivism rates are low”…..hmmm… that sounds really really familiar….huh!
“David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, said bills that limit penalties for consensual sex are less about condoning the activity than acknowledging the long-term consequences for children with records as they head to college and look for jobs.”
Good thing young adults in their early- to mid-20s (or those even older!) don’t go to college or look for jobs. Nor are there “long-term consequences” for others with 25-year or life requirements. Nope, not one bit.
Also, as the story itself says, “…brain development continues into the mid-twenties, and without fully developed prefrontal cortexes, young adults struggle more with problem-solving and impulse control.”
But bah, why listen to science now?
Funny they mention Shakespeare. The Romeo and Juliette movie that is still widely sold and shown to high school kids is illegal as it contains video of a 15 year old engaged in sexual relations.