Today the Senate Appropriations Committee released the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421) from its Suspense File. As a result, the bill’s author — Senator Scott Wiener — will take the bill to the floor of the Senate no later than Friday, June 2. While on the Senate floor, every senator will have an opportunity to vote for or against the Tiered Registry Bill.
“It’s time to Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “This is the time for registrants, family members and supporters to call the state senator who represents them and ask that senator to vote in favor of SB 421.”
It’s easy to identify your senator online at Please call your Senator’s office in Sacramento (not the district office) and ask them to support the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421). When you call the office, be prepared to give them your name and home address which won’t be recorded. That information is used for statistical purposes only.
“With the support of the members of our community, we will succeed in helping the State of California end a 70-year mistake, that is, requiring everyone convicted of a sex offense to register for a lifetime,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.
The Senate Appropriations Committee, in a vote of 5 to 2, decided to release the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421) from its Suspense File. As a result, the bill will move on to the Senate floor for consideration by all Senate members next week.
Also during today’s hearing, the Senate Appropriations Committee stopped Senate Bill 26, authored by Sen. Connie Leyva, from further consideration until at least 2019. If passed, that bill would have prohibited most registrants from visiting school campuses.
Hard to say which news sounds best: The downfall of SB26 or the progress of SB 421?
Thanks for the updates.
I hope the change this a bit to make it easier to get off the list.
I’m happy but also apprehensive. It not being automatic is a huge concern. The process to get off seems very similar to the COR which is very costly and difficult. It also seems unclear how people will be categorized into tiers. It looks like “high risk” (Static-99 score of 6+) is automatically in T3, but T2 is more of a mystery. Hopefully a persons score can be written out of the final document given how poor the science behind it is.
This is very good news.
And I’m so glad they killed the unnecessary and vindictive Leyva Bill!
Here we go! I just hope at some point when it goes trough some adjusting and finalizing, that they drop the petition to remove one’s self and or rather have those folks with one time conviction for things like indecent exposure just drop off the registry. Why have those folks cost more money in the courts when the idea is to save money and focus more on the most violent or those currently on probation.
Yea! Great day! Today’s my birthday and this couldn’t be a better present! I can contact my representatives…but do we know when it will be heard yet??? Do you need us there???
Serendipity has just smiled down upon us.
This is VERY encouraging!!! Good bill advances; evil bill doesn’t!
Thank you, Janice, Chance, and all for your hard work!
Now it’s time for us to get on the phone!
I just made my call. It literally took less than 30 seconds. Just do it ASAP!
Does anybody know what happened with
Ab 558?
I feel very hopeful. So faith plus action, I am getting on the phone to my senator.
Good, though I certainly share belief that STATIC 99R/SARATSO has no business in this bill. As it is, STATIC 99R’s foundation is not very strong. Giving STATIC 99/SARATRO the sole power to place someone into T3 is troubling, given the fact Karl Hanson and company claim 10 questions alone determines one’s future. I am of the belief the STATIC tests hang on the verge of junk science. It certainly shouldn’t be used to determine tiers alone! “Risk assessment” my a**!!!!
Thank Janice and everyone. I have sent my senator, whom is a Republican on a contact message, to vote in favor of it and support better legislations base on facts, prevention, treatment and re-integration and get his eyes off the >90% that never re-offended with proven law abiding history. I will make my call, Tuesday.
I got to say the SARATSO and Static 99R parts worry me too. I definetely hope and pray Janice will do something to prevent and curtail the damage SARATSO will do by placing people into the 3rd lifetime tier. Like what some say: the Static 99 is a scam.
Great news! I was literally shouting with glee when I got the text message today.
I have seen/heard two different timelines for implementation. The media, some legislators and Mark Klaas have said it would allow RC’s off starting in 2018. But I keep hearing reading here it wouldn’t be until 2019. Who is right?
“The bill would require the offender to file a petition at the expiration of his or her minimum registration period and would authorize the district attorney to request a hearing on the petition if the petitioner has not fulfilled the requirement of successful tier completion, as specified.”
Am I reading that correctly? The DA can only request a hearing if the “petitioner has not fulfilled the requirement of successful tier completion”?
I called Senator Holly Mitchell. They just asked for my name and zip code.
thats how I read it js. it also states that exclusion from the internet with a doj form will take you off the internet if you meet that requirement for T2 which is simply registering for ten years with out any reoffenses of a sexual crime..We will have to see what happens but like it was said it’s incredible that the evil bill got killed while the mostly positive bill moved forward. Thanks Janice and team because if it wasn’t for them we would probably went the way of the oppressive regime in the third would country aka Floriduh…
Thanks to all those who do not cower in the face of adversity, to stand up and fight one battle at a time knowing not all will be won. Makes me proud to participate and contribute to the cause of the ACSOL and all the unseen heroes who dedicate their energy, time and money to supporting registered citizens everywhere. Just read that Milwaukee is fighting their residency restrictions with success. Every affected registered citizen needs to do something to participate because “We are all in this together!”
Great news!
My only question is how will they Tier people? What if your initial offense embassy’s reduced to a misdemeanor pursuant to 17B? What if your offense was expunged? Can you really put a person on Tier 2,with an expunged offense and summary probation?
I have an important question… this is great news that we may have a chance to get off of the State registry, but it is also just as important to get off of the Federal registry. It is the Federal registry that stops us from passing a background check for employment. All background checks check the Federal registry, not the State registry. My question is… assuming SB 421 is signed into law does anyone have a detailed answer of how to follow up to get off of the Federal registry as well?
Thank you Janice and team for your hard work and dedication with out you guys this would not be possible
I’ll call my CA Senator today. Here’s the message I just sent my Senator:
SB-421 Tiered Sex Offender Registry
“Dear Senator _________________,
Please support and vote in favor of SB-421establishing a Tiered Sex Offender Registry in California.
I am listed on the Registry for an offense that occurred more than 20 years ago. It’s been 20 years of public shaming supported by mob hysteria and NO evidence of high recidivism or danger to the public. The resources of law enforcement are spread too thin, wasting their time monitoring individuals like me who do not pose any greater threat to the public than anyone else. Our State of California is one of only four states that continue to require lifelong registration for ALL offenders regardless of offense or time passed since offense occurred. Please support a tiered registry that will increase public safety and will allowing non-dangerous individuals the freedom to move on and successfully rebuild their lives.
Thank you for your attention and consideration of my message.”
And I have contacted family and friends so they too will call and send emails.
It’s after 12, is there any update on the hearing today for AB 558?
Here is an impt question. If ie: convicted in LA of a wobbler etc, you must go back to that county in order to obtain a 17B and expungement.
If you apply for a Certificate of Rehabilitation, you must apply in the county you reside.
If you apply to get removed from the registry, what’s the process?