Law enforcement sees so many of those convicted of soliciting minors for sex on just probation, able to re-offend as soon as they’re released.
Victims of child sex abuse say the lack of proper penalties for offenders can be just as traumatic as the original abuse. Lawmakers are looking to put mandatory sentences in place to make sure this doesn’t happen to children in the future. Full Article
Let’s see, registries are proving ineffective and useless, so let’s try another useless method that worked so well in the War on Drugs: mandatory sentencing. Here’s an idea, try rehabilitation! I point (again) to a study done about addiction that equally applies to criminal justice and rehabilitation. The answer is not punishment, it’s about connection and social structure. (IMO, the reason we have so many problems is our social fabric has a much looser weave.) Here’s a link to the study:…/the-opposite-addiction-is-connection
Here’s a link to the TED video mentioned and linked in the article:
“Lack of proper penalties for offenders”
Funny, here I was thinking quite the contrary, that punishments for sex offenses were already ridiculously harsh and disproportionate (for the most part). I’ve seen too many people get longer sentences than murderers for possessing pictures. Anyone remember that young man in FL who got something like 200 years for 20 jpgs a couple years ago?