The state Supreme Court has thrown into question the registration of as many as 4,500 sex offenders statewide. The case giving rise to the ruling originated in Cumberland County, and officials there have 90 days to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. They should file the appeal to gain clarity on two important questions: At what point are sex offenders unjustly punished and to what extent should communities be informed about potentially dangerous people in their midst? Full Editorial
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Another case granted relief by Muniz, today on Oct 16 2017.
@at Mike, if I were you, I would highly suggest for you to read this recent ruling coming out of the federal 9th circuit court ( regarding AZ SO registration regime. You can bet that the district court judge (9th circuit judges panel) as well as California state DA is going to cite this case to shut down your petition. Even if your case involve many area of laws that is not included in AZ case, I think it’s wise to read and analyze how the judges and DA think. As to your point that you think the judge will allow you more times to argue your case than allowed per case criteria because you file pro se, I think it’s just wishful thinking. In as much as I like to joint your confident thinking, I think it’s wise to read and digest “ALL” the cases that came out of the 9th circuit regarding SO registration. I dont know much. I am just trying to offer opinion to you because the out comes of your case will also affect us here in the 5th circuit area. Best wish to you.
Check out the def for arbitrary…Kind of nails it…Notice especially that last paragraph…The entire registry is arbitrary by the legal definition of the word..
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to arbitrary: arbitrarily, Arbitrary constant
Irrational; capricious.
The term arbitrary describes a course of action or a decision that is not based on reason or judgment but on personal will or discretion without regard to rules or standards.
An arbitrary decision is one made without regard for the facts and circumstances presented, and it connotes a disregard of the evidence.
In many instances, the term implies an element of bad faith, and it may be used synonymously with tyrannical or despotic.
The term arbitrary refers to the standard of review used by courts when reviewing a variety of decisions on appeal. For example, the arbitrary and capricious standard of review is the principle standard of review used by judicial courts hearing appeals that challenge decisions issued by administrative bodies.
At the federal level and in most states, administrative law is a body of law made by Executive Branch agencies that have been delegated power to promulgate rules, regulations, and orders, render decisions, and otherwise decide miscellaneous disputes. Non-elected officials in administrative agencies are delegated this authority in order to streamline the often lengthy and more deliberative process of legislative lawmaking that frequently grinds to a halt amid partisan gridlock. Although administrative agencies are generally designed to make lawmaking and regulation simpler, more direct, and less formal, they still must provide due process to affected parties. They must also comply with administrative procedures created by popularly elected state and federal legislatures.
One important right recognized in most administrative proceedings is the right of Judicial Review. Citizens aggrieved by the actions of an administrative body may typically ask a judicial court to review those actions for error. In establishing the standard by which judicial courts will review the actions of an administrative body, state and federal legislatures seek to provide agencies with enough freedom to do their work effectively and efficiently, while ensuring that individual rights are protected.
Congress tried to maintain this delicate balance in the administrative procedure act (APA). The APA limits the scope of a reviewing court’s authority to determining whether the agency acted arbitrarily and capriciously in exercising its discretion. 5 USCA § 701. In making this determination, the reviewing court will not find that the administrative body acted arbitrarily unless the agency failed to follow proper procedures or rendered a decision that is so clearly erroneous that it must be set aside to avoid doing an injustice to the parties.
Specifically, a reviewing court must determine whether the agency articulated a rational connection between the factual findings it made and the decision it rendered. The reviewing court must also examine the record to ensure that the agency decision was founded on a reasoned evaluation of the relevant factors. Although agencies are given wide latitude, reviewing courts must be careful not to rubber-stamp administrative decisions that they deem inconsistent with a statutory mandate or that frustrate the congressional policy underlying a statute.
Typically, reviewing courts look at the whole record in making this determination, take into account the agency’s expertise on any particular matters, and accept any factual findings made by the agency. However, the reviewing court is free to determine how the law should apply to those facts. If the reviewing court concludes that the agency’s actions were so arbitrary as to be out-side any reasonable interpretation of the law, the court may overturn the agency’s decision or remand the case back to the agency for further proceedings in accordance with the court’s decision.
A reviewing court’s determination that an agency acted in an arbitrary manner will often depend on the technical requirements of the governing law. For example, courts are often asked to determine whether a federal agency has acted arbitrarily under the national environ-mental policy act (NEPA). Pub. L. 91-190, § 2, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, as amended, 42U.S.C.A. §§ 4321 et seq. In one case the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Transportation Department acted arbitrarily under NEPA, when it failed to prepare an environmental impact statement, failed to consider whether its regulations would have violated air quality limits, and failed to perform localized analyses for areas most likely to be affected by increased truck traffic. Public Citizen v. Department of Transportation, 316 F. 3d 1002 (9th Cir. 2003).
Agreed TX. All great suggestions, any input like that is great..
yes, that case is extremely troubling…..I need to read the actual case.
Did the Commonwealth of Pa file the writ to cert to the US Supreme Court today?
As it looks to my husband, they didnt and the Sept 5 2017 order states the Commonwealth has to file and have a date stamp PRIOR TO OCT 17 2017 or the stay is lifted on OCT 17 2017.
Is this really over today!!!!
man, that case is extremely troubling, if you have links to any other relevant case out of the 9th I would like to read them. I haven’t read that case yet, but from what I did read it sounds like our punishment issues are pretty much moot in lower courts unless I can convince them that my circumstances are different then those in that case. Very troubling….
Here is the Order of Court for the Stay that was granted,
AND NOW, this 5th day of September, 2017, upon review of the Commonwealth’s Application for Stay of Remand of Record Pending United States Supreme Court Review Pursuant to Pa.R.A.P. 2572(c)” and Appellant’s Answer thereto, remand of the record in this case is hereby STAYED. The record shall be remanded on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 unless the Prothonotary receives notice prior to that date that the Commonwealth has filed a jurisdictional statement or petition for writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States. See Pa.R.A.P. 2572(c).
Which means that they have until October 16 2017, today is October 16 2017.
Did the Commonwealth of PA Appeal the Muniz Decision today?
As of 6:30 pm central time, on 10/16/2017, a search on SCOTUS docket pertaining to Muniz reveals the following cert petition…
You guys see this? This is exactly what I am talking about with this BS new bill. Now the court can conclude that there is some kind of determination before applying registration….
The Supreme Court in Smith downplayed the importance
of this factor: “To hold that the mere presence of a deterrent
purpose renders . . . sanctions criminal would severely
undermine the Government’s ability to engage in effective
regulation.” 538 U.S. at 102 (internal quotation marks and
ellipsis omitted). The Court also noted that, because the
length of reporting requirements under the Alaska law were
“reasonably related to the danger of recidivism, . . . [the law]
is consistent with the regulatory objective.” Id. Moreover,
although Henry does not expressly discuss this factor, it does
list various exceptions to the notification and registration
requirements depending on the offender’s level of risk or age.
228 P.3d at 907. Those exceptions undermine Petitioner’s
claim that the statute applies to all offenders indiscriminately.
Similarly, the exceptions support a conclusion that, much
like the Alaska law in Smith, Arizona’s reporting
requirements are reasonably related to the danger of
So far I am seeing many, many holes in their opinion that I will have to address in order for them to rethink or overturn this decision….Dammmmmmit. It is going to be tough going considering this decision……….
They are strictly relying on the fact that the laws are narrowly tailored, and there are exception for different level of offenders…Man I can’t find this Henry case that they are relying on so much..Any help or link to it would be great………..Still reading, but so far I can refute every argument that they are making in this decision….
Henry, 228 P.3d at 907 (noting that the registration
and notification exceptions that apply depending on the
offender’s level of risk or age allow “the statutes to serve
more precisely their nonpunitive ends”). Therefore, as it did
in Smith, this factor weighs heavily in favor of a
determination that the registration scheme’s punitive effects
do not outweigh its regulatory purposes.
“Taking into account the Arizona statute’s registration and
notification exceptions, which depend on the offender’s level
of risk or age, the state court’s conclusion was not
“We turn next to an overall consideration of Henry in light
of Smith. Considering all the relevant factors, taken together,
the Arizona Court of Appeals was not unreasonable in
holding that the statute’s punitive effects fail to outweigh its
regulatory purposes. The state court’s decision in the present
case is neither contrary to, nor does it unreasonably apply, the
relevant Supreme Court precedent, Smith.”
These two quotes are very important I think..I am reading that the court is leaving open other decisions on other cases, notice they specifically state that “in the present case” which implies that they are leaving open challenges in different circumstances and are not totally binding the court. The fact that they are relying so much on risk assessments and exception considerations and are not considering “all” the other factors involved in my case, where I demonstrably prove exist, makes me believe that they might decide completely differently.
At 930pm, No writ of cert is showing for Muniz on Scotus. What did you see TXSO4Life?
@Mike R
In your motion, I think you address the Ex Post Facto issues better than the cases mentioned above.
You list out the things in Smith that were ignored in Clark V Ryan case about how Alaska didn’t have in person reporting or affect jobs or housing. You also debunk the recidivism in another section of your motion that should play toward minimizing the state’s regulatory purpose that they make sound so clear and noble in Arizona.
In regards to your comment above about the definition “arbitrary”, that is exactly why I used that statement frequently in my suggestions and thankfully you included that wording in your motion in multiple spots. The hostile quotes of legislators that disregard the constitution that you included, and the lack of any empirical evidence of recidivism to affect the durations (lifetime in your state and case) as well as the plethora of laws enacted against registrants that goes against government studies and recommendations points toward the exact definition of “arbitrary”. The state would need to demonstrate the need for the laws, the effectiveness of the laws after enactment, and the empirical evidence used to determine the laws and durations in order to show it wasn’t arbitrary. They can’t do any of that…not even one of them.
Muniz isn’t in the 9th, it’s in the 6th… I appreciate anything anyone offers, and I’ll take all comments into account. Nothing is to small or meaningless, and even if we are mistaking, whatever you contribute may very well be a key factor in helping me win this.
Excellent TX, anything that can give me an edge, whether it’s straight up lies that I know I can get away with, or just bolstering and exaggerating incidents or stats like they do. This link doesn’t work… need all the help you can get in your petition, even if you have to exaggerate a bit. Because the Government will exaggerate and lie (recidivism) through their teeth to shut you down.
This is definitely a very good read. this is one of the best cases I have read and gives me a lot of insight on how the 9th is reasoning.
I believe that the 9th circuit will agree with my arguments in light of how they described their reasoning in this case. Although they gave extremely great weight to the fact that juvenile records are not public record, neither are our personal present addresses or pictures or vehicles or schools attending or etc, the court laid out extensive disabilities and recognized the severity of the affirmative disabilities that registration imposes. They also showed great weight and concern over the apparent retributive intent of the legislature because of their language, which I included a lot of quotes that resembled exactly what they were stating and now I have their own words to reaffirm the legislative intent, although applying to juveniles it is still apparent for adults that no longer pose a credible, cognizable threat. I also have demonstrated that the legislature has actually seen and know the real recidivism rates which only bolsters my argument. They also emphasized the weight that they gave on the recidivism rates, and actually quoted erroneous “extremely high rates for adults”, which i have thoroughly debunked in my motion with gov. studies and reports, and are demonstrably lower then the juvenile rates referred to and stated in that case. A matter of fact, I can demonstrate that juveniles are actually more likely to re-offend then first time offender adults. Overall kind of disturbing in one hand but just as promising on the other…This decision just shows how on the fence they are on these issues. i still feel confident after reading this decision.
That’s funny Chris. I wrote above before I read your post, and guess what, we both came to the exact same conclusions..Very promising indeed…Hell if we came to those same conclusions like that, maybe the court isn’t even going to be close to the fence, let alone on it…..
I know one thing for sure, “WE” have created the best motion ever created against the registry so far, and that will probably ever be created…..
That arbitrary def. is exact. And the following is pretty much precedence, and in the 9th even…
“In one case the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Transportation Department acted arbitrarily under NEPA, when it failed to prepare an environmental impact statement, failed to consider whether its regulations would have violated air quality limits, and failed to perform localized analyses for areas most likely to be affected by increased truck traffic. Public Citizen v. Department of Transportation, 316 F. 3d 1002 (9th Cir. 2003).”
It would be hard to see how it gets any better then that…
This is a relativity high standard of review for that reasonably low impact issue. Registration has to be held to a standard as high, or higher then what was stated there, especially when it’s a law directly affecting over a million people (registration), …..Arbitrary is a major issue and I knew for some reason when the CA supreme court stated it in that residency case that it was significant and applicable in countless different ways, such as this….This may end up being my strongest argument….I have four months to prepare, so keep it coming……Chris, where are you at, in Texas right? I wonder how much it would cost to fly you up here for this hearing. You and AJ, as well as many others, have been such an integral part of the creation of this motion, I would love to see all of us observing this..Maybe I can have my sister video record it on a phone or something, and I can post it….
Yeah, feel real good after reading those cases more thoroughly….I hit every nail on the head, and hit everyone that could possibly be relevant, totally debunking and/or addressing every issue they brought up, rendering their decisions moot and inapplicable in my case……..
I just spoke with the PA Supreme Court Prothonotary and she said that They filed on Fri and they are holding the record until they get conformation from the SCOTUS Looks like dick head Freed waited for the min to file
Proof pa state constitutional ruling stands!
OCT 4 2017.
Nothing under 47 Map 2016
Muniz Paperwork dated back in Oct 6 2017.
Nothing new added to the docket.
They cant stay tbe State Constitutional Ruling, my husbands attorney for a failure under Sorna told him they will have to dismiss the charges for his failure. His hearing is next month. With that said, the stay is only good to keep people on the registry while the commonwealth appeals. They cant proceed with any trials for failure to register under Sorna if you were convicted prior to Sorna because you arent supposed to be under Sorna. But they wont remove him from registry until appeals are over. They are only going to dismiss his charges.
I still cannot find the original case, or briefs in the cited Henry case. Any help would be great because I would really like to read them…