CA: We Are Now a Protected Class!

If you, like most of us, have a conviction on your record, beginning on January 1, 2018 you will belong to what might be called a “protected class” for hiring purposes. The California State Legislature passed and Governor Brown signed AB 1088 that will require employers to remove the “Box” on employment forms and require that they not ask any questions related to an applicant’s criminal background. Of course, if you live in the City of Los Angeles or San Francisco, a more stringent law is in place. AB 1008…

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France: Teacher who had ‘affair’ with 14-yr-old pupil avoids jail

[] Fontainebleau, France – A French teacher was handed a suspended jail sentence Monday for having sex with a 14-year-old pupil, the latest of several cases fueling debate over the age of consent. French teacher to be tried for sex with pupil aged 14 The 31-year-old maths teacher had an affair for several months with the girl this year after they struck up a conversation on Instagram. The pupil, who was in the man’s class last year, insisted the pair were in love but her parents said he was a…

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Therapy for Sexual Misconduct? It’s Mostly Unproven

[New York Times] The recent surge in accusations of sexual harassment and assault has prompted some admitted offenders to seek professional help for the emotional or personality distortions that underlie their behavior. “My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons,” the producer Harvey Weinstein said in a statement in October. The actor Kevin Spacey announced that he would be “taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment.” Whatever mix of damage control and contrition they represent, pledges like these suggest that there are standard…

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