CA: LA’s Hidden Sex Offender Problem is about to Get Worse

A few hours before Los Angeles voters went to the polls for a recent election, an unaccompanied man hauled voting equipment and confidential voter information into an LA elementary school’s auditorium through a front entrance as early arriving children and teachers trickled in during the early part of the 6am hour.

According to the LAUSD and the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder, this man’s presence at the school is strictly prohibited because he is a registered sex offender with a years-old aggravated felony for lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14.

The LAUSD advises that no registered sex offender is allowed on any of its campuses unless he or she is the parent or guardian of a matriculating student at the school and has specific school-related business to address on behalf of that student, and has advised the principal of his or her offender status. Full Article

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Make sure you all comment as much as possible on idiotic articles such as this. Here’s mine:

“In this case, the MBA behind Daniel Guss’s name stands for Minimal Brain Activity. This guy is just another fear mongering douche, posting a poorly written article bereft of value to anyone, anywhere. Daniel, TV Land called: they’re casting a Bewitched reboot and think you’ll be a perfect Gladys Kravitz.”

This article is a boatload of horsesh**!!!!!!!!!!

comments were epic , ran the douche all the way off his own so called article ,

I’m so glad we have a very active and articulate online media campaign to debunk fake news by these so-called journalists who spread only fear and hate to only increase their popularity and ratings! I was immediately put off by this guy when I saw he contributed to KFI which some may know that haters like John and Ken have a spot.

The author of this so-called ‘article’, Daniel Guss apparently has a criminal history himself. He stole a homeless man’s dogs (Was found guilty at trial. Served 60 days in jail, and 3 yrs. probation. Judge ordered him to return the dogs but he refused. The People of the State of California vs Daniel Guss. 04/26/2011 Grand theft. L.A. County Case No. 1CA10998).

How Daniel Guss thereafter became employed by the Huffington Post, I will NEVER understand. On the other hand, his association with KFI 640 in Los Angeles makes perfect sense. They are all pretty mental there.

The information on Guss was compiled by a Mary Cummins of Los Angeles (thank you Mary) who seems to have done extensive investigation into various activities of Mr. Guss dating back a number of years, including the arrest/prosecution of Guss for the stolen dogs. The information compiled by Ms. Cummins is available at:

Man I hate to defend anyone bashing us but when people start attacking someone for their opinions it does nothing for our cause…I have been having an extensive conversation with the author Guss through email and he makes a valid point in that he has no interest in learning facts or in considering others opinions when they are not civil and are attacking him personally or professionally. Although I vehemently disagree with his article and opinion on our subject I have to agree and understand his position when confronted with uncivilized comments….Just saying it doesn’t help the cause people…..However tempting it is to strike back, you catch more bees with honey and all those other metaphors….

RE: Guss Report
LA School Report Nov. 29 2017
Van Nuys elementary school was site of visit by alleged sex offender volunteering at polls.

Note: Alleged

“To date, LA Unified has no information about the identity of the alleged sex offender, nor was it confirmed that a registered sex offender was, in fact, on campus. Therefore, the District was not able to confirm the individual’s status as a registered sex offender through law enforcement or through the Megan’s Law website,” according to the district statement.