MI: Death of homeless sex offender in Grand Rapids poses questions

[mlive.com] So is this what it finally takes for us to hear the muffled cries of the homeless — an ex-con dead in the snow because it’s against the law for a sex offender to huddle up at either of two Grand Rapids missions? Thomas Pauli didn’t choose to die alone in the cold. He apparently froze to death because of a crime he committed nearly 20 years ago, and a law that’s dogged him ever since his release from prison. In the days prior to the discovery of his…

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Could AI and Predictive Analytics Stop Sex Offenders?

[governmentciomedia.com] Predictive policing has come a long way in recent years. Police have always known when and where to step up patrols in certain city areas, for example, by applying simple predictive equations such as: payday + alcohol = trouble. You didn’t need to be a data scientist to anticipate a skirmish or three in bars on Friday night. But developments in data analytics and artificial intelligence are refining how law enforcement uses data and applies predictive analytics in a range of areas, focusing not just on overall trends but…

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KS: Convicted of a Drug Crime, Registered with Sex Offenders

[themarshallproject.org] By Maurice Chammah In Kansas, even many minor drug offenders must appear on the state’s public registry. A new bill would change that. Amid the farm animals and food stalls at the Kansas State Fair last September, Amy Byers came upon a booth run by the state’s Bureau of Investigation. There was a computer you could use to search your address and find out if you live near a sex offender. You could also search by name. When her friends began joking that she should type in her own…

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