NV: Nevada to embark on new sex offender registry system, but critics say it’s overly harsh

Las Vegas attorney Alina Shell represents sex offenders, and she said it’s been an emotional time in recent weeks among clients calling her office.

Starting Oct. 1, Nevada will be implementing its version of the federal Adam Walsh Act, a law that significantly changes the way the state classifies its more than 7,200 sex offenders. Rather than categorizing them according to their projected risk of reoffending, they’ll be categorized according to the original crime they were convicted of — a process that will reshuffle thousands of them and lead to many having their names, addresses and pictures on a web-based sex offender registry for the first time. Full Article

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“The attitude about sex offenders is never going to change.”

Finally! Someone said it!

( im confused )And people who were released from registering because enough time had elapsed since their crime will once again be subject to reporting requirements? if time has past and no need to register – why would the individual need to re-register?

This “gerrymandering” of the Tiers as described is frightening. Lives are going to be destroyed, jobs lost, relationships broken, and good persons who have made a mistake a long time ago thrown back into the endless abyss. What does this accomplish? It’s the ongoing insanity from which few escape. I am blessed to be in a Northeast “Blue” State that after my enrollment as a RC after 10 years (early termination under SORNA Tier 1), “happily” kicked me off the Reg with a nice formal and official letter to confirm such. But THIS? It calls into my mind the great and wholly apropos Ayn Rand quote:

“…The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

From: Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

My deep lamentation of sorrow: As I was listening to my country radio station this morning they observed a minute of silence for what happened exactly one year ago today in Las Vegas, Nevada. All the country stations in the USA observed the minute of silence too.

And yet here on October 1st we have our own tragedy to mark: Nevada starts implementing the Adam Walsh Act. Is it cruel and callous of me to even DARE to mention these two tragedies in the same comment ? Probably.

I could go on and on, but the fact remains: We ALL remember the day our names became public. And these thousands of Nevadans will remember this day, October 1st. Probably for the rest of their lives.

funny,state of Nevada moved me from tier 1to tier 3 for the severity of my crime hmmmm I heared that one from the nys parole board when they gave me 18 months out of a poss 24months TALK ABOUT DOUBLE JEOPARDY AND stepping on my rights

From what I understand in the article is that they made this retroactive from when the bill was passed. I hope this is fought in Navada like it was in Pa. The retroactive part was found unconstitutional. My husband went from a tier lll to a tier l. I hope lawyers in Navada can use Pa arguement and laws to their advantage. I think it was thr state vs Munz. Not 100% sure. The fight needs to be carried on. I’m a part of war. Women against the regestry. I know first hand what the regestry can do. My husband was told by a temp service that they could not hire him for any of the jobs they had listed just because he was on megans law. This is going to destroy so many lives.

Has anyone ever thought about suing the actual website itself that is posting these images and pictures. Especially in ex post facto cases. You should be able to sue the website for civil Liberties violations. And unconstitutionality. Look at the website that host your violations. Then look at the website name. Then go to iana.Org. You can look up all of their information for who and where to sue for your attorneys. You may not be able to beat the law or the state. But you should be able to beat anyone who is putting your information out there. In most cases it’s not the actual state.


This is my own personal experience in one county in rural Nevada, so take it with a grain of salt. No one seems to know how this law is supposed to work. The clerk who handled my paperwork and the deputy who took my prints both told me they are just winging it because the instructions they have are vague. I was also told that they are NOT doing direct community notification because there is no longer any law that requires it, and they don’t have the man power anyway. You still have to mail it in yourself, or at least my local sheriffs department thinks it’s still my responsibility to mail it in, so not much has changed. When I called the records bureau in Carson they told me that they didn’t know if I was supposed to mail it myself or not but if they gave me the prints and paperwork I better do it. They also told me to get a receipt because they don’t know how long it will take to process the renewals.

Well, it’s almost been two weeks since the worse day in history happened. Recently told no lawyer could help us at this point…….federal lawsuits are going on with no light at the end of the tunnel. Other state lawsuits are going wild again with no light at the end of the tunnel yet.
This is a day to day battle emotionally mentally and physically at times watching my husband go through his ups and downs over this devastating re-punishment again. It takes its toll at times and it’s not fully two weeks.
I know we aren’t the only ones on this ordeal but it feels like it at times.
Please I’d love to know if anyone else has made any progress on anything anywhere. And I’d really like to know if anyone has dealt with any back lash from public over the released info on 10/1??? Is anyone aware of flyers or mailings going out to neighbors or etc?? Or just the website is all that has been published??


“Rather than categorizing them according to their projected risk of reoffending . . .”


As if categorizing by projected ‘. . . risk of reoffending . . .’ would be a better alternative. Which in theory, it would—except for the fact that ‘risk’ is too often defined by bogus, so-called ‘risk assessment,’ instruments like the Static-99R.

It sounds like you guys are doing everything you can possibly do to try and understand this BS in Nevada, I do not know of anything else you could really be doing except to be checking, but you probably already, if so let me know, whether this law has been challenged in state court. I do not know anything about this involving Nevada so I do not know if that is how this case started or what. Even if federal court say its constitutional does not mean crap to State supreme courts. Sure they look at it and can be persuaded by it but they give much more protections under state constitutions. That is the only other thing I can see happening besides what is already going on with the McLatchie lawyers case. Just because Nevada SC lifted the TRO does not mean they decided the case or even indicate how they would decide the case. They implicitly stated in the lift ruling that there was not enough record to go on, so I assume (although you know what assuming gets you, lol) it has not been presented to or adjudicated in a state court, other then the application for the actual TRO. TROs, as a matter of fact, are a high bar to achieve in the first place, this to me indicates that the state SC, on the face of the application, thought there was enough to issue that TRO so they must have had serious questions but it was just not there in any record for them to look at. Their reasoning for lifting it is unclear to me. It is confusing on what stages and what courts they are talking about without being very familiar with the case. The court states the following:
“In seeking relief from the district court’s denial of their
application for a temporary restraining order to enjoin the implementation
of A.B. 579, petitioners challenge the constitutionality of A.B. 579.
“Having considered the petition, we are not persuaded that writ
relief is warranted. See NRS 34.160; NRS 34.320; see also Pan v. Eighth
Judicial Dist. Court, 120 Nev. 222, 228, 88 P.3d 840, 844 (2004)
(“Petitioners carry the burden of demonstrating that extraordinary relief is
warranted.”). Further, we note that because the district court order at issue
is the denial of an application for a temporary restraining order, the record
below is not sufficiently developed for judicial review. CI Pan, 120 Nev. at
229, 88 P.3d at 844. Accordingly, we lift the stay imposed by this court on
July 1, 2016,”
Did the lawyers ask the federal court for a TRO so the SC reconsidered their stay for some reason? The SC states it lifted the stay imposed by this court. Do they expire or something? The case has not been decided. I just do not understand why they would just lift it until some kind of decision was handed down. I thought that was the foundation on how a TRO works…

When will those people who knowingly/vindictively filing false sex crime charges against innocent people, be criminally charged, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated. There also needs to be both a state and federal registry that lists the names of, show the pictures of, and lists other relevant information about false accusers.

Anyone have an update on this?

A few things need to be stated.

1st = In the year 2016, Clark County, Nevada District Attorney Steven Wolfson admitted that from the years 1989 – 2016, the Clark County district attorney’s office secretly granted immunity to and secretly paid many thousands of dollars to female alleged victims of sex crimes to knowingly provide perjured testimony against actually innocent men who were falsely accused of committing sex crimes. This secret pay for perjury policy was so secretive that those men, their attorneys, courts, judges, etc. did not know of these secret policies. Now a lot of men are filing habeas corpus petitions, after learning about these secret policies. Anyone who knows about trying to get exonerated, knows it takes many years/decades. So while waiting to be exonerated, many innocent men are having their lives ruined/destroyed.

2 – If justice is for all and the scales of justice are to be balanced, then why aren’t there registries, listing the names of those vindictive/retaliatory/money-hungry people, who knowingly file false sex crime charges against innocent people. The false accuser registry also needs to show the pictures of the false accusers, and list any and all other pertinent information about the false accuser.

2 years later and still no change….no one fighting for us….nothing….it sucks

This is pretty stupid.

I had my first altercation on social media. someone googled my name in the first thing that pops up is that I’m in SO.

and for some reason thought that I was much older than I was when I committed a crime, and kept saying that I was a child molester and a rapist. But the funny thing is, the crime that I did in California isn’t illegal here because age of consent is 16.

but for some reason, I am at a tier 2 which means I can never get off the registry but people who have worse offenses on tier 3 can. It makes absolutely no sense why the worse tier would be able to get off the registry but a tier 2 couldn’t.

in California I only had to go in once a year, and I wasn’t even online. I looked up myself many times and it couldn’t find myself on any of the registries. Now all I do is Google my name and it’s the first thing that pops up and the next five results at least are all the same

Wondering if anyone has any new info on the status or existence of any pending challenges or appeals of this.

I didn’t realize Laxalt is out of office now since I moved away, replaced by a Democrat. Laxalt, as we know, was instrumental in making NV compliant with the federal AWA. I wonder if NV going blue could help make conditions more favorable for a successful challenge of this terrible policy (which is why I left the state). I’d sure love to come back.

“Risk” based didn’t work in Nevada. How is it gonna work in California come 2021?

It’s insanity repeating itself over and over!