CA Appropriations Committee to Consider Senate Bill 145


The CA Assembly’s Appropriations Committee is scheduled to give final consideration to Senate Bill 145 and more than 200 additional bills on August 30. The committee hearing will be held in Room 4202 of the State Capitol at a time yet to be determined.

The author of SB 145, Senator Scott Wiener, is also author to another dozen bills to be considered by the committee that day. The topics of those bills range from unlawful entry of a vehicle (SB 23) to cannabis donations (SB 34).

If SB 145 is released from the Suspense File on August 30, the bill is expected to be considered by the full Assembly in September. If the bill is not released from that file, it will be terminated.

ACSOL initially supported SB 145 as a two-page bill that focused upon equality between heterosexual and homosexual couples. ACSOL opposed the bill after it was amended to include an authorization to local governments to adopt residency restrictions. After the residency restrictions language was stricken on July 9, ACSOL again voiced its support for the bill.

The co-sponsors of the SB 145 are Equality California and the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. Additional supporters of the bill include the American Civil Liberties Union of California, the Anti-Defamation League, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, California District Attorneys Association, California Police Chiefs Association, Stonewall Democratic Club and the William A. Percy Foundation for Social and Historical Studies


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I wondered what had happened since we didn’t arrive to support, closed doors prob. But its good to hear current status and will wait patiently for the 30th. I wonder how many RC’s this affects directly due to the past even though this is currently set for moving forward in the latent and teen years if it passes the Ca A/C to move out of the Suspense File, with so many backers, HRC and Lambda Legal should ALSO be on board. But will again wait to see if it leaves and then goes to the House/Senate floors for full votes and if passes to the current Gov. here in CA.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE UPDATES Team Janice/Chance ACSOL/all4consolaws! Especially kudos to Senator Scott Wiener for fighting for all the LGBTQQ’s and not bad for starting the Tiered Reg. all the way back from another LGBTQQ Advocate back to the Safety Comm. ret. before Mark Leno of TOM AMMIANO, and of course David Chiu and then Mr. David Campos. Even though a popular LGBT intiated just before Senator Wiener, Ricardo LARA that dropped to run for Insurance Comm. from L.A. Long Road but needed to be done.
Someday…they will pass and will run for those of us arrested/conv due to same RETRO to decades ago.
Prob. take a new bill or a Great Judge to motion and change for those that are DIRECTLY AFFECTED in our community of LGBT RC’s within the decade limit differences due to dating vs. Hetero that is covered current.

May SB 145 PASS!

Thanks again for all non LGBT RC’s that called and wrote to many and the friends and fam of RC’s that did the same. THX!