FL: Convicted sex offender drowned in Duval County jail cell toilet after beating

[firstcoastnews.com – 8/1/19]

JACKSONVILLE, Fla — The inmate killed inside his Duval County Jail cell Tuesday was drowned in his jail cell toilet in addition to being beaten by his cellmate, First Coast News learned Wednesday.

Paul Dixon, 43, was charged with 2nd-degree murder after police say he killed cellmate _, 56, on the fifth floor of the Duval County jail.

Multiple sources tell First Coast News that ____, a convicted sex offender, was beaten by Dixon who then drowned him in his jail cell toilet.

The official cause of death will be determined by the JSO Medical Examiner.

JSO said Tuesday that _____was beaten to death, but did not mention a drowning. Surveillance video of the attack exists, but will not be released during JSO’s investigation, JSO said.

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Related links:

Convicted murderer charged in death of cellmate in Duval County jail [news4jax.com – 8/31/19]


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Brings back memories of the murder of Jeff Dahlmer while I was in WI DOC custody in 92-95
I was in a different prison but everyone was talking about the contract upon his life in the yard, even some guards knew of the rumors before it went down. Get the wrong celly and prison life gets unbearable, draw a decent one the time goes much faster.

Given that Dixon was actually guilty of his original murder case ( which he disputes) no way this Sheriff should have celled up these two individuals together. There are drawbacks to making ” lifers” out of convicts. Knowing you got life changes one’s entire outlook and attitude towards the future. I suspect little if any accountability will be put on the jailers, sheriff outside the inevitable wrongful death lawsuit. No DOC culpability was found in the Dahlmer killing. We will have to see what happens here.

This is more common then is reported. I was in a federal prison on the east coast. It was supposed to be a low, but in the 5 years I was there things got very violent. Many SO’s were severely beaten. Some were taken out to the hospital and never returned so we don’t know what became of them. One man, Jodi, who I knew very well, was beaten to death in the chow hall. The FBI even came in to investigate it, the attacker was caught and charged with the murder–but little consolation to Jodi and those of us that knew him.

We had a new warden that came in and was determined to stop all the contraband that was coming in so every time a cell phone was found she would lock that unit down and deny the entire building commissary. The inmates gave her an ultimatum that if she didn’t back off they would beat a sex offender every day. The situation was so tense that I slept with my clothes and shoes on to be ready to move in a minute. after episodes of violence we would have early morning raids by the riot squad storming the building and taking certain key inmates out. The situation was unreal. I never new from day to day if I would get out of there alive. I still have nightmares of being back there.

It was so strange that a person who addicts children to crack cocaine or forces them to sell their body on the street is celebrated in prison, but I had a non-contact offense on the computer and I was reviled and was harassed daily. Strange world the “justice” system has created.