Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
Just checking in to see if anyone has been able to travel abroad recently? I would like the opportunity to travel back to Europe but I am unsure/nervous about getting stopped either here or whichever country I want to visit…any help would be much appreciated.
Also, I am a recent MBA graduate who is struggling to find work. I haven’t been turned away for my record (that I know of) but I am still finding it hard to even set up an interview with anyone. My state doesn’t allow employers to ask about offenses on applications but waits until after the interview to run the check. I am having such a hard time even getting to the interview stage. If anyone has some useful information or tips, that would be awesome.
Nice opinion smacking down the state’s request to dismiss in NC. Preliminary, but I’ll take any positive next step. I think this is Paul Dubbeling’s Case? He and Janice are my big heroes. 🙂
This is why you dont want a facebook account as a Registered offender. If they get the same from google it will be very dangerous. Especially given all the information they have. Which device you use for login, which ip you have and where on earth you login from. FTR crimes could all but be automated if they had unfettered access.
Hey has anyone heard anything about CA getting rid of SNY yards? I talked to someone that works in Vacaville and she said there has been all kinds of assaults and chaos. I was not even sure this really happened.
Any updates on amending the tiered registry law for non production cp offenses so the felony is not tier 3? Specifically I’m wondering in regards to what the current version will do with federal offenses because they are in fact different violations of the law than the text in the California penal code.
Frequently Asked Questions – Criminal Records – Request Your Own
How long will it take to receive a response?
Normal processing time is 2-3 days however; some requests may take up to 2 weeks to process depending on the information contained within the record.
So why does it take years to determine if a RC is subject to lifetime registration? This lifetime registration severely limits options like housing. A computer could process the criminal records and spit out the lifetime or not lifetime results fairly quickly. It appears the DOJ does not need that much time and could probably process many right now, freeing up valuable resources.
“China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) announced Friday that a national database of child sex offenders will be established.”
Think about THAT for a moment. That’s a country with about 1.4 billion people. My guess is that it will still be smaller than the U.S.’ registry, both in absolute and relative terms as is imprisonment (at least that China acknowledges). Or it may become really enormous; who knows?
If they use it to take down political dissidents then the authorities may find out just how handy the “sex offender” concept really is. Hey, it works here.
Will A,
Encryption is available but…… 1st story out of the gate.
I watched a great documentary about Jihadi John last night. Surely the biggest step to his radicalization was how his government started brainlessly harassing him and wouldn’t stop. They created what they got.
I see the same thing with the Registries. They breed a level of hatred that I couldn’t foresee. Anyone who thinks having worthless harassment lists is a good idea is a moron. But hey, we’ve seen that our big governments will do stupid forever. It is a cancer that has already infected the world. People are paying and that will certainly escalate.
Are we banned from voluteering at LA County Animal Care sites? From their website:
Background Checks
Those who are successful with the onsite training will then be asked to undergo Live Scan fingerprinting through the Department of Animal Care & Control (DACC). Fingerprinting will be paid for by the department. You will receive additional information on the fingerprinting process at your orientation.
Honestly i think that they are pushing ex offenders and their families to far. Enough is enough. I for one is sick of the bullcrap these legislators spew, For the children for the children but not for the sex offenders children. Apparitly they dont matter. its absolutely sicking to watch these people make up these idiotic laws that do absolutly nothing. But dui is ok, beating children is ok no list for that, and plenty of others are ok. ive had enough and im hoping the other 900,000 people on the list and their families are sick of this as well.
I have a question about the tiered registry in california. If i was convicted of felony of 311.1, but had it expunged where would i be on the tiered system? Thank all of you for your help.
For those of you that haven’t seen the film, I recommend you watch the The 1st 8 minutes of “X-men” . The congressional inquiry seen is life imitating art. You get the idea that the struggle for acceptance by the masses after being identified as “different” is all but impossible as long as there is someone to create fear of those people.
Question. I was put on probation in San Bernardino required to wear a ankle monitor, restriction was I couldn’t leave the State, my PO’s allowed me to freely travel around the state. I moved to LA County and my PO restricted me to the county only. Which is hard because I’m a truck driver, I found a job and house to rent in Riverside county next month… does anyone have experience being on probation in Riverside County with gps? Do they restrict you to the county, or will they allow you to travel? Thank you and God bless.
Continuing the knock-and-talk discussion, I recommend, ‘Get Of My Porch: United States v. Carloss and the
Escalating Dangers of “Knock and Talks”’ ( I really liked the observation of footnote 130: “The federal [or state] government can put up a single “No Trespassing” sign on a fence at a nuclear facility or an abandoned munitions facility, and a trespass there upon is a trespass . . . . If governments can use a single sign so
effectively against citizens, why then can not citizens use a sign equally against governments?” A very good question indeed!
Mentioned therein is a handy URL: This site offers a number of signs to (try to) convey the implied consent is revoked. I wonder to their effectiveness, as once again the LEOs who are so sharp-eyed to notice all sorts of things suddenly go blind when there’s a sign telling them to p!ss off.
Here’s U.S. Marshalls presentation on the AWA and some stuff on IML.
And a link to some resources from the 2019 National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability.
Assume some of you might find some interesting things here.
“‘Nick’ police searches broke the law: Bombshell as judge behind inquiry reveals ‘perversion of justice’ and says officers got search warrants using false evidence but his findings were ignored by police watchdog” I don’t know if many of you have been following the extraordinary implosion of the British Police’s investigation into historical abuses (sex, of course, we don’t give a toss about the really violent and dangerous blokes) but it is a major, major scandal in the U.K. with far-reaching consequences (yeah, we’ll see). This thing has more players than Donald Trump’s second set of books. This is the kind of thing we could use here. I believe that it’s coming.
Wanted to see if there is any feed back on this im in Missouri and was doing some reading if a person takes a plea deal in open court wouldn’t that be a verbal contract then you sign one for your sentencing agreement with the court. Since you took the plea on base’s of the agreement, and then the state changed the stipulations of your agreement with the court could this be an ave. to pursue violation of agreed contract.
just looking for a way!
Am I the only one diagnosed with and suffering from PTSD from living on the registry? The longer this has gone one (registering for 6 years, court process started 2.5 years beef that), the worse mine seems to get.
As some of you know, I was approved to recieve a work visa in Thailand. I was fortunate to have people I knew that had some influence on the process. They reviewed my situation, interviewed me and along with letters from others, approved my emploer’s request.
I can’t begin to express my emotional turn around in just the last month since my arrival. I am myself again. My family, friends, and fellow workers actually threw me a party to welcome me back. I was able to visit my wife’s urn for the 1st time in 5 yrs. I feel like a person again.
I promised myself that I would make an effort to help change the thinking here about the U.S. registry. I will not forget those who supported me and gave me hope.
Mu friend is putting this on site as I don’t want amy contact by those wanting ill will, so thx Cris
I wish all of you out there nothing but peace in your life.
Sa wat di don bai
That is beautiful man. Love to hear great stories like that. Have a blessed life and enjoy yourself my friend. Keep fighting the good fight if you can, but I am sure no one would hold it against you if you just put it all behind you and never thought about it again.
I understand and respect the fact no one here can offer legal advise. I’m only asking for information regarding resources.
I am no longer required to register as a SO in the state where I live. I went to court and petitioned for removal and was granted. I am however still on the SOR in the state where I was convicted since they have a lifetime registry. In that state my address is listed in yet another state that I moved to so that information is 13 years old and invalid but my name is correct and I do show up on the national registry albeit with incorrect info.
I am retired now and want to travel. I would be doing this domestically within the US and would most likely stay in primarily national forest, COE land or possibly some state or private campgrounds. I have done as much internet research as I can in several states I plan to visit and can find almost no information regarding someone of my status as to whether I am required to register or not. I understand I could make a phone call to the various agencies and ask but that would not be legally binding. In fact I doubt they would know the legal precedent. I’ve researched the code and statutes and it’s all but impossible to determine if I’m required to register in some states. Other states like FL it’s pretty clear.
Does anyone have even an idea how I can determine what states I can pass through and what states I can stay for more than a few days without triggering the obligation to register.
To add to the Ring doorbell/LE story we’ve been discussing here:
Nationwide map showing towns tied into the Ring surveillance network
Crazy! 13 in CA by my count
Hey NY, I want to be sure you saw this posted a few days ago, US Marshals presentation at a big conference on RSOs.
“New York: The state sends registration forms to offenders even after the move out of NY to provide the registry with their updated address as long as the offenders are willing to continue to complete and return the forms.”
See page 44 at
Can someone tell me what the NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY is, what puts you on it, and how you get off it?