GA: Palmer Sheriff Puts ‘No Trick-Or-Treat’ Signs in Yards of Sex Offenders

[ – 10/17/19]
A Sheriff in Georgia is not messing around when it comes to Halloween. He put up “No Trick-Or-Treat at This Address” signs in the yards of sex offenders in order to keep children out of harms way.
“I’m not trying to humiliate ’em or anything like that. Let’s face reality: We have a greater chance of children getting run over by a car [on Halloween] than being a victim of sexual assault by a repeat offender,” says Sheriff Gary Long. “But at the end of the day if, in fact, we had a child that fell victim to a sexual assault, especially by a convicted sex offender, I don’t think I could sleep at night.”

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Same sheriff that pulled the same thing last year, though a bit surprising that he acknowledged that children were more at risk of being hit by a drunk driver than sexually assaulted by a registrant.

Nonetheless, if I were in that county, I’d be calling the state patrol and insist on pressing vandalism charges. That the law the article links to requires the sheriff to notify the public, that is satisfied by the registry and he has a legal organ in the local paper if he wants to add more. NOTHING authorizes him to alter the appearance of someone’s property.

*This is compelled speech and is unconstitutional*. A constitutional rights focused attorney we all know and love, Janice Bellucci had this to say in 2016:

> “So when most people think of the First Amendment all they think about is right to say something but you also have a right to be silent. The fact is with this law you cannot remain silent about whether or not you have been convicted of a registered sex offense and whether or not you are quote likely to engage in child sex tourism. So the government is sending notices to our government to foreign counties saying that you are likely to engage in child sex tourism.”

Derek Lougue had this to say:

> “We only the third nation in the history of the world that has stamped the passports and the only other two nations who have done that is of course been Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. And so that is a very disturbing precedence. This is a league of nations I don’t America wants to be associated with.”

So in a nutshell, or own government is forcing compelled speech and pushing the narrative that the people who has the lowest possibility of recidivism based on a number of studies published are likely to engage in further criminal activity against children.

We must continue to be vigilant to protect ourselves from our rights being violated. Get involved and fight back. If you can’t, consider donating to the biggest organizations who make the most impact helping fight the good fright for you and your family.

[1]: “Sex offenders protest their right for travel”

Not much to add but smh. Trespass and littering.

Sheriff needs his own sign.

Warning people about police violence and police shootings.

Why not just take the sign down and throw it away. There’s too many ass-clowns in law enforcement and governments to get riled up over every instance.

CNN is facing a lawsuit now for violating the Lanham Act. This might be something to look into?

“Your actions are in violation of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.), among other applicable laws, by constituting misrepresentations to the public, to your advertisers, and to others. Accordingly, my clients intend to file legal action against you, to seek compensatory damages, treble damages, injunctive relief, reimbursement of legal costs, and all other available legal and equitable remedies, to the maximum extent permitted by law.”
CNN “purports to be facts” and make other similar claims that what they say is all true and to be trusted. Looks like any news source that “purports” such claims or similar are not immune from lawsuits by the American People.
Seems to me registrants have justification to correct sources that defame and “turn a blind eye” to the Constitution after repeated corrections made to them in last few YEARS?
Looks like the sheriff’s claims have much to do with the misrepresentations by media.

Throw the sign into garbage. Immediately.

Hello all,

Really a county named and spelled “Butts”? BUTTS???? BUTTS.

I rest my case.

What’s next? A county named *ock or another named *nus or so on.