CO: Mom’s Lawyer Rebukes ‘Unfair’ Utah Law that Could Make Her Client Register as Sex Offender for Being Topless at Home

[ – 11/20/19]

A woman could be forced to register as a sex offender after prosecutors charged her with a crime related to going topless in her own home.

On Tuesday, lawyers for _____, 27, asked Circuit Court Judge Kara Pettit to strike down a state law that they say represents an “unfair” and unconstitutional legal double standard. _____ is facing three misdemeanor counts of lewdness in front of a child while her husband, who was also topless at the time, faces no charges. If convicted, she could face time in jail and be forced to register as a sex offender for 10 years.

“What’s important to look at, to see when you look at the statute, is that there’s part of it that says this part of a woman is inherently obscene and this part of a man isn’t,” said _____attorney Leah Farrell to Desert News. “And that really sets up an unequal, unfair dichotomy.”

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What is so obscene about a parent being naked even in front of their children; even their step children. It is human nature. I could understand if she did it for s#xual arousal. Wow, I could not even count how many times my step dad along with my step mom were naked in front of me at home when I was younger, as young as I can remember.

So how do “Naturalist” families get away with it? Why is it ok with them to do it? I knew a family, mother, father and young son who used to be naked in the home all the time as they were naturalists (not nudists). They had an indoor pool at their home and would swim naked all the time. Of course not when company was over.

Now, this article will show this family how stupid the registry is and how easy it is for someone to end up on the registry for some stupid a$$ reason. This step mom and her husband will have a quick lesson on the registry and why it should not exist AT ALL!!!!

Oh no!!! A female breast!!! Avert your gaze!!!

1.) What are the chances that those kids have seen nude humans before.

2.) It’s probably a good thing the adults didn’t also take off their pants.

If anything it would only further highlight what is wrong with our justice system and the Registry.

One day there would be that proverbial straw that would break the proverbial camel’s back.

Just a matter of time.

I do hope that every women’s group in the world makes a stink about this from now until the next time the District Attorney there runs for election. This is blatant indiscretion in the prosecutor’s office and they need to be called to task.

Trust me, those “innocent” children will see far worse on social media apps.

It’s a wonder we evolved out of the caves.

I disagree with ALL of you! For God’s sake, people, those innocent young children were exposed to naked breasts! The prosecutor is absolutely correct – [though no less insane] – that we must maintain and uphold our neurotic, puritanical sex-phobia at all costs!!
Otherwise, all of humanity will deteriorate into an abhorrent cesspool of filth, banking systems will collapse, crops will fail, famine, plagues, endless earthquakes, ceaseless floods, dogs and cats living together!!
(All sarcasm & fully intentional!!)

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Did she nurse her children? Did she bathe, wipe and clean their nether regions when they were infants without their consent? Does she cuddle and smother them with loving kisses? If so, why not charge her with child molestation? Better charge me and every other loving latent, too.

Loving PARENT, that is. (Stoopid auto-correct)

I have no idea what was the intent of her removing her top in front of her stepchildren, but I do know that in the handful of times I put up drywall with female family members, not once did any of them remove their tops and bras.

My stepmother groomed me by starting to go topless around me, saying they were just breasts and harmless. Then she pointed out how I was aroused…

Twenty years later my wife and I groomed her son in the same exact manner, with her nudity as being natural and then moving on from there.

So maybe in this case stepmom was just hot and sweaty and an martyr for topless equality, however since the mother of the children ONLY knew about the toplessness from the kids and not the father, it seems like they were, at the minimum, concerned about the perception of stepmommy going topless around the kids…..