RI: Lawmaker hopes to expand Megan’s Law to include crimes that predate it

One local lawmaker is pushing for sexual predators found guilty of crimes decades ago to be treated the same way as those convicted more recently.

The push comes after convicted child molester ____ ____ moved to Cranston at the beginning of the month. Since his crime pre-dates Megan’s Law, which led to the creation of the sex offender registry, residents weren’t notified of his arrival or address. Full Article

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So one person – who has lived a law-abiding life for DECADES – is being targeted by a law that will violate the 5th amendment.

But of course the article describing him as “convicted child molester” makes it seem as if his crimes are a recent occurrence.

“We have to make certain that the law that the police are being required to enforce is the maximum amount of protection we can have without going over the line and violating the individuals constitutional rights,” he said.

News flash: Just publicly listing one’s address, photo and personal info violates human rights. It promotes ill-will, animosity and resentment, not safety. It treats people like a burdens instead of human-beings .

Agreed. So rather than make efforts to help reintegrate him into society and become a productive member of the community (housing, employment, etc.), this legislator decides to amend a law to apply to someone it doesn’t currently apply to. Stop vote-pandering! 😖

So what does a politician do when they haven’t the intelligence, perseverance, vision, courage, or will to deal with community problems like rampant homelessness, rising crime, shortage of affordable housing, traffic congestion, eroding infrastructure, and corruption with in their own ranks? That’s easy: scream Sex Offender from the podium, use fabricated data to instill fear in the masses and draft some bogus bill to further oppress the only minority group in America that can still be publicly attacked, ridiculed, and humiliated without repercussions. Yes, this is a tried and true method of fraudulently gaining some sense of notoriety and civic accomplishment. But the truth is, the day is coming that these spineless scoundrels will be confronted for their phoniness and be confronted with legal consequences. It is coming!!

So to punish one man retroactively for life, how many other individuals who have been law abiding members of the community, and their families, are going to be punished? How many will lose jobs, their homes? How many will experience vigilante attacks?

What’s amount of collateral damage is acceptable, Mr. Craven?

If it is too protect one child with useless laws that will tear family’s apart! But to never Look at the harm it does too more children over time. Laws should be made on facts NOT feelings. This law dumb a@@ is going on feelings and looking for votes!!! But what proof does he base his bill on?? Number 1 a sex offender got out of prison so now there is dangerous person in the neighborhood!!! I thought people who go to jail learn there lesson and come back too society and live out there days.but i guessing the victim is holding a vindictive grudge. Which dumb A@@ law makers get on there knees to get that vote and keep them in the free money!! Women want all control over the kids and over you. You don’t do as they say they will find a law maker to pass a law to make you do what they say. From paying child support to molesting the kids and even rape they will get a law passed.. But 80 % is based on feelings!!!!!!! And hate !! Guys we need to start fighting back!! And asking questions like what is this bill? Is it a fact or just hurt feelings bill that you want votes!!!!

Lawmakers in Indiana did the same thing: required registration of offenders whose convictions predate Indiana’s 1994 sex offender registration law. However, in a landmark case, the Indiana Supreme Court found Indiana’s sex offender registration law (as amended) was ex post facto because the law’s effect was to inflict punishment. Wallace v. State, 905 N.E.2d 371 (Ind. 2009). Over the last 10 years, Wallace has been extended to crimes not covered at the time of conviction and length of registration requirement (State v. Pollard, 908 N.E.2d 1145 (Ind. 2009); Hevner v. State, 919 N.E.2d 109 (Ind. 2010); and Gonzalez v. State, 980 N.E.2d 312 (Ind. 2013)). Hopefully RI does not enact such laws, but if it does, hopefully the courts will invalidate them.

Yet, if someone was an ax murderer it would be just fine if they moved next door. No notification. No murderer registration, nothing. It’s only sex offenders who get this kind of draconian treatment.