Dominica island: BPW calls for a sex offenders registry in Dominica

[ – 12/31/19]

The Dominica chapter of Business and Professional Women (BPW) is working with other women’s rights groups across the region, to ensure that dreams of a sex offenders registry on the nature isle, is realized.

President of BPW Dominica, Rhoda St. John, said “We are working with a number of Caribbean islands where we’re going to be looking at getting the sex offenders registries implemented not only in Dominica, but in as many of the Caribbean islands as we can in 2020.”

The aim, she said is to allow authorities to track the activities of sex offenders and to create awareness of individuals who have been found guilty of these offences.

“As to if it is going to be approved by the government is another question that is left to be answered, but we will be advocating that our laws and the government look at the sex offenders registry as we would like every Caribbean island to implement it seeing that it is an act against women,” she said.

St John believes that the implementation of a sex offender’s registry is necessary for the BPW to take an effective stand against sexual violence.

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Good luck fixing anything with a registry.

Ok I maybe kicking a bee hive over and I do not really care. The sex offender registry is a weapon used by women in their war on men. It has nothing to do with child safety or women caring about children, as women kill more kids per year because of abortion. Women abuse most of the children under their care, usually emotionally and if, there is a “unreportable sex abused children” women are the predictors as they have far more private time with children.

How about implementing a registry of domestic violence beaters too? No? Why not?

There went my plan for Dominica. It’s one of a handful of countries I was considering buying dual citizenship. Although Dominica requires a $100,000 “contribution” The country’s citizens have access to all commonwealth and many other countries for foreign travel. My pornography offense may not even put me on their newly established hit list, but it’s the mere fact that they would have one. ln my haste to escape America, I’ll just be jumping from the fryin pan into the fire!

Keep in mind that most registries proposed are initially supposed to be restricted to police and other law enforcement personnel only. If that’s the case, then the registry is more redundant than effective, as most law enforcement agencies have comprehensive databases on ALL felons and ex-felons.

When we think of the registry, of course, we think of the PUBLIC Internet registry, which is MAGNITUDES more problematic, as they are the root cause of more and more restrictions as we know. In short, I don’t think that this proposal in Dominica.

By the way, Dominica is a separate country from Dominican Republic in case you were wondering.

And as for the women who support sex offender registries. Seems to me they get just as much pleasure out of controlling what goes on in other women’s pants, as the men.

All despite a SOR proven ineffective in US.
The database however proves very useful indeed for political security.The nature of it coincides in perception of it by the public.
A database can be as useful for what it does not contain as much a what it does hold.

The behavioral ambiguity of SOR pages enlist no concrete aide to the user. Being informed is outpaced by being accurately informed. If the advocating Act hitches it’s ex post sled to ” known pathology by finding of guilt” an alternative purpose ” to assist law enforcement ” necessarily must too abide the path. Confusing things by conflating molesting for kidnapping exposes the alternative purpose as the real priority with respect to database machine use. If thee can indenture a human What limit left to liberty. SOR justifies unfettered domestic electronic surveillance saints first as a civil function of government.