FL: Groups Call on Governor DeSantis to Temporarily Suspend In-Person Reporting Required Under Sex Offense Registry

[floridaactioncommittee.org – 3/27/20]

BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA – March 27, 2020. The Florida Action Committee (FAC), the ACLU of Florida and the Florida Justice Institute are calling on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to temporarily suspend the requirement that persons required to register for past sexual offenses appear in-person at the Sheriff’s office to report during the Coronavirus state of emergency.

Florida Statutes mandate in-person reporting every six months, quarterly, or monthly for registrants who are transient. Changes to vehicles or reporting travel for three or more days (or changes to prior reported travel) must also be reported within 48 hours in-person. Failure to report in-person is a felony. In some cases, the registrant is also required to report to the driver’s license offices, which are not even open during this crisis.

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Is America going around in circles today with this sex offender issue. Having one jeapordizing his or her health with this virus just to registar or to update with all this registry ordeal. Governors are a bit much at times but where is the balance. Many times the sex offender is left in limbo or should we all take a look at this in a more positive light or even basic principals of history or where is justice today.

Sure scientist say for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction but what has God wrought. And yes we heard that in history with the first Morse code message sent. Should it make everyone wonder today about government actions or who is being dupped upon today. Are those people in Florida making common sense.

@ Anonymous. I admit I wasn’t that good in political science but this nepotism sounds like a cheap form of grace or conduct unbecoming of these civil servamts in many ways with these ordeals we all enconter or where is the inequity if we are all created equal. Maybe my view is all wrong. I’m probably grasping as straws anyway but its the angle that these civil servants go about this registry ordeal.

From a Cuban missle crisis to a Iran countdown to this contrivirus-19 ordeal government doesn’t really understand with their big brass bands and air-force one and now a shutdown in many area’s, well more than a shutdown. So should we all flea to the mountains as this lady mentioned to me five years ago, and now she is in a nursing home.

Florida and many other states are in a state of confusion. NY one has to pray for relief even Vicki Heney’s group is very upset with all this ordeal we are all in. Government doesn’t seem to want to back down with all its understanding. One sometimes wonder if Presiden”s know what they are doing today and many other in leadership. One can’t blame or should not blame government but leadership have to change to help get a country back together. Is mankind or leaders reaping what they sow today.