MO: The man who has to register as a sex offender based on lies

[ – 2/20/20]

ST. LOUIS – He’s the sex offender who’s innocent. According to the reported victims, _____ didn’t do it.

Tuesday’s interview with _____ is part of Fox 2’s ongoing investigation into why the Missouri justice system isn’t listening.

“I’ve been fighting this for 31 years of my life and it has caused me something new, every time I turn around,” _____ said. “The neighbors looking at me wrong, not being able to go to a state park. Just recently I found my passports got pulled because of a new sex-trafficking law.”

_____ must register as a sex offender after being falsely accused in the 80s of molesting his nephews. He would have been as young as 13 during the alleged crimes.

“I kept saying, ‘There’s no way my nephews said this because I’ve never touched them.’ I’ve never done anything to them,” he said.

We’ve shown you in prior Fox Files reports how the nephews say they were coerced into making false sex allegations by a Missouri Division of Family Services caseworker.

Read the full article


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Fear makes money!!! So does sex!!!! Than add lies to it. Put the three together and LE have a easy money cake. You sit in prison cause 99% of people can not refute a sex charge. But that does need too change. He said she said needs too be wiped out! And too have a cop who was never at the time of the crime too weight in there voice of what happen needs too go to!! Need too have real proof not oh that’s him.

There are some similarities in this case to mine, however, there was wrong doing on my part that I should not done. The “victim” told me several years later that was written in the police report did not happen and the therapist would present a his version of “likely what happen” and they said no and they would say to the therapist “we do not remember you being there”. The therapist accounting was the bases of the police report. My attorney never investigated the police report or interview the “victims’. The attorney assured me to take the plea and “he will fix it to the better, later”. The attorney commented suicide about 1 year, later.

It happens all the time. People say things on behalf of the SO called victim when they was never there. If those people was there!!!! You might think they would have stopped a crime! But wait! To get more power to hang a sex offender or any other crime. The prosecutor can PAY## anyone with taxpayer’s money to help convict them. What need too change is that the cop should pay for the charges. If they feel it is true. Not have taxpayer’s foot the bill. You want someone put in jail for a crime. He or she did to you. Then you put up the money. Stop asking me to help you pay the cost. On my money! I worked for!!!!!

Easy stuff for prosecutors armed with misdemeanor sex offense charges and “victim protections” like Marsy’s law. Laws like Marsy’s law keep putting this corrupt system in the position of softening the intended target (politicians, legislators, the public) to keep passing more bad “solutions seeking problems” in the guise of “prevention”.

And then there goes another innocent person’s life and their family, over a false accusation. Prevention becoming “unintended consequences”. Whoops, our bad.

Well hey Harry I believe I have ran into you on some of these forums in the last seven years. While myself plus a lot of others are leaning about a lot of this sex offender stuff I have to hand it to W.A.R. and her group.

Yes false convictions can be just as dangerous as true convictions or does one take a guilty plea to get the truth out when backed up against a fence or a rock and a heart beat? One sort of has the viewpoint that Vampire gave or does law or a justice system hold a lifetime sentence for overreach or breach if one wants to call it that. One wonder who reconciles their differences today or do they still shake hands in a boxing ring.

While I can’t understand it their was something in the text communication about Janice that was for true justice and I was even taken aback about Vicki’s group but I was so wrong. Many of these encounters can be based on lies or where is the under handed method or who really sees “the hand writing on the wall”. Sure forgiveness is bless but courts seem to now want to back down as they want to make an example.

Court systems n America it seems are tough on crime. Maybe John Wash started it all but that’s a different subject.. Myself and I’m sure many can feel the suffering for anyone that is trumped by some “Ruse for justice” or induced in some unjust punishment after so many years. That’s why we all have to speak up.

Remember government are just as much sinners as anyone else at times, so that’s why Janice and Vicki Henry’s group and all the other advocacy groups are here and that is for justice for all. and remember the true sword of justice swings two ways with a double edger.

so I was convicted of a class C felony 2nd degree sexual assault in 1987 while 17 yrs old for having consensual sex with my 14 yr old girlfriend. There was no threats or force involved, just several “hickeys” on the neck which is why i got the assault charge instead of the statutory charge. I pled guilty to two yrs probation with 5 yrs SIS attached. In 1990 I violated probation and was sentenced to the 5 yrs in DOC. I am now 50 yrs old (33 yrs have lapsed) and I just found out today that I was elevated to a tier III offender because the federal govt mandated Missouri get rid of its 2nd degree sexual assault charge and I was put under a class D felony 2nd degree rape charge. Now I have to register for life. I am now jobless and homeless and only survive because of good hearted people that provide food and necessities. Otherwise I would die on the streets. My case falls under the “romeo and juliet law” which states, as does federal law, that if we are between the ages of 19 (21 for Missouri state) and 14 (13 federal) and within 5 yrs of one another it is not a sex offense.. Nevertheless here I am suffering endlessly, in part because I am jobless and homeless and cannot afford an attorney. I filed a pro se declaratory judgement petition but have been rescheduled 3 times and its looking like I willl have my case dismissed in december because I dont know what I am doing. My case is more dire tan the original articles case yet I cant get newspapers or news of any sort or anyone else to assist me. Is this fair or just?