Kat’s Blog: The Pandemic Without Computer Access

During the coronavirus pandemic, when an individual’s virtual lifeline to the rest of the world depends on internet access, some registrants, especially many of those on parole, continue to be denied computer/internet access. While the pandemic affects everyone, with businesses closed, when even our physicians don’t want us coming to their office, many registrants on parole are without computer access, a technology that has become a basic function and a necessity for daily living. Now more than ever, we must be online to keep in touch with loved ones, order…

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Volunteers needed for study: Parents or adult children of someone incarcerated

[Channel Islands California State University] [Approved by Janice]   Are you the parent or the adult child of someone incarcerated? Do you experience stigma because of it? How does the experience affect your quality of life? What helps you cope? Researchers at California State University Channel Islands are seeking parents and adult children of the incarcerated to participate in a research study. The study consists of questions taking 30-40 minutes to complete. Participants will be entered to receive a $20 VISA gift card. To find out more about the study…

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