CO: Colorado Governor Stops In-Person Registration During Pandemic


The Governor of Colorado has issued an Executive Order that temporarily suspends the requirement to register in person during the pandemic.  Specifically, the Order suspends the requirement that registrants provide a current photograph or a set of fingerprints to verify their identity during registration.  As a result, registrants are allowed to register using alternate effective means determined by local law enforcement.

The purpose of the Executive Order, issued on April 6, is to “mitigate the effects of the pandemic, prevent further spread, and protect against overwhelming our health care resources.”  The Order addresses a wide range of state regulations, including those related to the renewal of drivers licenses, claiming of lottery prizes and taxi operations.  The Order will remain in effect at least until April 30 when it could be extended.

Read a PDF of the order:

Governors Order – Colo – April 2020

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What a bunch of sissies unwilling to die for the cause.(sarcasm)

Judge Matsch’s state for the win. Country roads take me home.

More precedent showing that the “honorable” Mary Strobel is a horrible judge who should be removed from the bench!!!

This stuff reminds me of Walmart… it was once necessary for them to physically check every receipt before exiting the building. Now their like no…… yer good. Keep walk’n….have a nice day.
Somehow….through all this, honest people stay honest. Go figure.

Colorado is one of the most beautiful states in the land. It is nice to see the change albeit temporary. Having resided in CO twice I’ve little doubt the people’s disposition toward SOR will go toward Judge Mastch. Clearly they love liberty enough to throw off the federalists. See Schedule 1

Isn’t it odd that registry database turns human into a thing.

A Governor with a Half of Brain ! Cu toes !

My husband and I moved to Arkansas in early March and they still won t let him come in to register. We are wondering if it s a set up. He was told to call on March t but no answer. He calls them everyday but the SOR hasn t returned his call. Any advice?

I have contacts in Southern CO who say they are not required to provide new photos or prints as detailed above, but staff is updating data in person with no paperwork but verbal confirmation of existing data or entering it manually via computer along with $20 being paid to enjoy such an experience. The contact said it is going much faster (duh!) and this is the way for the foreseeable future of this process until further notice.