SBA Loans offer resources for small business owners… except sex offenders

[ – 3/31/20]

A member pointed something out that we were not aware of, but in times of crisis (such as we are in), becomes critical to businesses.

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) provides small businesses with low interest loans to help recover from disasters, including the present financial disaster that is caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. The loans can save companies and their employees from going under during these difficult times. The SBA is here to save small businesses… unless they are owned by a person required to register as a sex offender! They are ineligible.

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Nice, a person pays their debt to society for a past error, puts their life together by opening a business, gives back to the community with their business, and when times get tough through no fault of their own, this is the thanks they get. Just despicable. These people have done everything right and are spit on in the hour of need, just unconscionable.

Almost as if it’s some from discrimination….

Eat your heart out John Roberts.

I hope there are somebody or somebodies file lawsuit against these “except sex offender exclusions” policies.

Yes, this has been this way for years !


*****ADMINS MSG: Everyone, we will not allow ALL CAPS. That is the Internet equivalent to yelling. Please read the rules before you submit ******

I dont have to even blink at this BS…but lets Sympathize, work out a reasonable answer to fair Laws….
My thought are these and no less…

**** No all caps *****

this sounds like something the Janice B could really sink her teeth into ! talk about blatant discrimination !!

Get em Miss Janice !

Sad, pitiful, typical. A “forced to register” friend of mine could not get a loan 8 years ago (he was on probation than also). He was paying 18% plus penalties on an interim construction loan extended month to month. Turned down by 4 or 5 banks. (They were all interested until his past was revealed). Another friend and I helped him out. His business has generated more than solid returns in spite of occasional social reviews concerning his registered status. I still do understand a banks hesitancy. The registry puts us in a David vs Goliad in the business and social world. But a sbe loan should not have the same restraints as a private loan. If it were racial, religious, gender bias think of the righteous indignation.

What possible relevance could a person having to register could have on them receiving a government loan to keep a business from going under explicitly due to government orders? How can this hold up in court?

Question for the group, if a person has been relieved of the requirement to register and if the person has also obtained a dismissal of their conviction(1203.4). Is this person then eligible for the SBA loan?

The wording of the definition says anyone who has been convicted. I am unclear if the 1203.4 applies or not.

Thank you in advance.

According to the application, it’s a 7 year look-back for crimes against minors, not forever…

There are a bunch of restricting laws like these hidden throughout the justice system. Would be nice to have one sheet telling us all things we can and cannot do but that will never happen. We have to wait for surprises like this to find out we are again excluded in some way from living the American dream. There is no ‘paid debt to society’ amnesty for sex offenders. Never was and never will be. A murderer would have a better shot than us.

I looked at the SBA application today and the SO question specifically states arrests/convictions in the last seven years (yes or no). This is part of the Payroll Protection Program for small businesses. If you meet the other criteria give it a try (if your registration offense is over seven years old). As there is no fee to apply, nothing lost if they say “no.” The program is administered through most commercial banks and is referred to as the PPP loan. The short application is both on the SBA website as well as most bank’s sites.

It is utterly baffling to me that a conviction for the most minute sex offense against a minor would preclude a business owner from taking an SBA loan to keep his business running and make payroll, or grow the business and employ more people (i.e. tax payers). But a peraon convicted of the worst form of mayhem on a child, or even murder? Here’s your check!

Hi, I just applied for the disaster loan, will update if I receive anything, applied under my DBA.

I put no on all since my case was in 2014, and not in probation anymore.

Did not knew this till I went on this site, this is super discrimination…

The application was changed; now put out by the Treasury instead of the SBA, and no mention of crimes against minors anymore; just a general look-back (5 years) on felonies.

I applied for the $10k advance yesterday, but hoping to not need it.

I’m actually surprised they didn’t exclude us from the $1200 payment too.
I mean, we could use the money to buy gas so we could drive over and assault someone…

Quick Update- Today I received my disaster Grant ($1,000 for 1 employee). I filled out the application honestly and checked that I had a felony conviction in the past. My application for payroll protection was not processed in time before the money ran out. There is some hope, California Restraint for 10+ years.

I received my SBA COVID19 loan for my small business, as a RSO.