NE: Advocates call for an end to the public sex offender registry

[ – 5/20/20]

A shooting in North Omaha has sparked concerns over the state sex offender registry. Following the death of Mattieo Condoluci, members of the National Association of Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL) are calling for the state to remove the public state sex offender registry.

“If he was not on the registry I have no doubt he would be alive,” NARSOL Vice Chair Robin Vander Wall said.

Vander Wall said the current system requiring sex offenders to register and make their address public is not effective in keeping the community safe.

“The statistical research and the data now that has been done over the last decade just demonstrates almost uniformly that they aren’t doing any good. They aren’t really accomplishing any useful policy purpose. They are kind of feel good laws, they make people feel safe, but at the end of the day they are not really safe,” Vander Wall said.

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Add that to the fact this kind of thing has been happening for years, and you’ve got a great Supreme Court case here. That said, the supreme court is completely political at this point and the only way it’s gonna work is with a court packed full of liberal justices. The republicans have got to GO.

Sorry guys I can’t consider republicans as valid. They’re the ones who’ve been literally trying to wipe us out nazi style since 1994. Death penalty for statutory rape ringing in any bells here? Jessica’s law? Sharon Runner’s all too typical of conservative attitudes and they take controlling sexuality far more seriously than democrats.

I wonder if ages of children on the registry and what they were convicted of be placed in the public’s face. The registry was to protect children and save one child; but now could it be your precious kid!! Wonder if that would shock people’s lives or are more people so far gone to face reality.

Ironic thing about this needless death, it was three days before the 26th Anniversary (May 17) of Megan’s Law going into effect by POTUS signature.

It seems like the time is approaching. Our national numbers should reach one million this year so we have the potential to be quite a political force, and this is precisely why they attempt to keep us isolated and restricted. But the time is near to go public and protest. There have been several murders and assaults in California as well, so this registry is just a hit list for mentally unstable vigilantes, con artists, and busy bodies. If enough pressure is put forth then the states will start taking action to modify the registry and move towards ending it or at least not making it public. And if the states begin rescinding it the feds will eventually have to follow. It is time!! This has gone too far already.

@ Roger H. Yes that’s true he did sign it but about the democratic opposition, that is not true. Smith was working on the international Megan’s law from 2008 onwards and he never so much as got it past a committee when the democrats were in control. After 2010 when republicans got control it kept passing the house but always failed to pass the senate until 2014 when the democrats lost control of it.

Lot of people on this post so,
Check it out let me know what people think. I am filing in state court as I am tired of waiting in fed court.

Many of these registry issues are exploiting in this computer way and for an advantage or disadvantage in this carnal issue. Just like a betrayl or a breaking down of someone.

I like this article on advocates wanting to banish the Registry. I’m glad someone is getting a handle on it more at this time as time moves on. So whats the final jepordy question or test for these answers, obey government and trust in Government or just to press on in seeing your loved one’s go to jail for getting mistreated in these internet sting operations, or understand principals of truth and understanding. So were do you start.

Hasn’t it already started. Even those small win’s that some see as victories but are they actually victories. Seems like authorities are still deceiving via this computer. Is helping to control this trafficking of this internet abuse game helping. One has to wonder who is the traffic cop or who is the covenant breaker. Is it the man behind the scenes that doesn’t know his right shoe from the left shoe or the one that is usurping their government profession.

One wonders today about those without sin casting the first stone. I’m sure Paul did not partake in stoning Steven. Sure he might have overseen. One wonders if this offense registry is in conflict in many ways. Are governments oversteping their legal bounds say in this manner of thy shall not steal in this crafty way. One wonders about all this double standard.

Would one say these stings are a political harmony ga,e in this unrest type ordeal. A safety mode of opportunity to usurp another in this diabolical way. Does one leave that all up to the courts of justice and truth, or are authorities in many ways abusing the commandments in vain ways.

Someone talked about Obama on here while one shouldn’t say anything about another person he sure chopped up the sermon on the mount pretty good and that should tell one something. One wonders who is judging?

Right now, it looks like the petition in favor of the murderer is over 21,000 people. Why don’t we start writing letters to the District Attorney prosecuting the case? How about all of the registrants in Nebraska sign a proclamation stating they intend to use Nebraska’s Castle Doctrine as their first option? Just a thought.

While we can all look at the registry in many ways wether one wants to go the christian way with their bit of faith or whatever I’m sure all want to be right on the subject matter at hand. Well tell me one person thats always right or dont’ we all make mistakes and error. Besides I hate giving out bars of soap (no offense) but do we all think on this registry ordeal. I’m sure we all do.

Are we enticed in our own evil desires or do we all have to know an attack of demonic proportions. I mean the flesh is sinfull and yes its weak, we all can fall into temptation. Who needs that soap now? Remember Satan can only influence but not control. So who is bringing up the evil desire to make hay with some teenanger that say they are home alone. Is that making some sense to some.

What about these Commandments that I’ve mentioned to you all who is the breaker of these or is government on a highter platform than the creator which may be the case and point. Sure we can all try to puff each other up with good news but the good news is Jesus died for each one of us and thats fact enough for me.

This sex offender issue that came up about some killing, was it right, was it the internets fault, or some vengful ordeal, who knows the thoughts and intent of another but their is one thing that and we are all weak and war within ourselves, we are all like filthy rags according to the bible. So sure I would say that this registry has to go in many respects. Now if police wants to play lamppost in this way i’m sure that type of camalofluge is ok, but than law enforcemen show stick to the outside crimes of catching bank robbers and things of that nature.