Ballot Proposition Increases Violent Felonies, Requires DNA Collection for Misdemeanors


A ballot proposition that will appear on the November 2020 ballot in California, if passed, would significantly increase the number of violent felonies as well as require the collection of DNA from individuals convicted of some misdemeanor offenses.  The title of the ballot proposition is “Violent Crime, DNA Collection and Parole Initiative.”  The proposition has not yet been assigned a number or a letter that will be included on the ballot.

“We must work together in order to stop this ballot proposition,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “If this ballot proposition is passed, it will reverse the progress made in AB 109, Proposition 47 and Proposition 57 resulting in increased prison sentences and other significant harm.”

Specifically, the ballot proposition would increase the total number of violent felonies from 27 to 51.  There are currently only 9 sex offenses identified as violent felonies and the ballot proposition would increase that number to 14.

According to government records, those who support the ballot proposition have raised about $1.7 million.  Supporters include a wide range of law enforcement organizations including the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the Peace Officers Research Association and the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs.

Those who oppose the ballot proposition have raised about $1.4 million.  Opponents include the ACLU, Californians Against Prison Spending Scam, the California Public Safety and Rehabilitation Fund and former Governor Jerry Brown.

“There are more than 100,000 residents of California listed on the state’s sex offender registry,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.  “Most of those individuals are eligible to vote and should not only vote against the ballot proposition, but also encourage members of their families and friends to vote against it.”


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Definitely will vote against it. I can’t believe in the midst of all of this de-funding police, police brutality and violence, prison reform talks, they have the nerve to try and pass some more shitty laws. Thanks for the heads up, Janice.

The bastards are lying in their argument. They say drive by shootings of all things aren’t considered violent felonies in california. I think Jerry brown needs to expose that in his argument come November.

Another very ugly, lock-’em-up, throw-away-the-key, overly harsh initiative. 😖

So apparently, according to the text of the proposition attempted 288(a) would now be a violent felony. Hmmm. Interesting. A matter of fact any attempt of the listed offenses will become felonies. So is this applied retro or how is that going to work.

What are the effects of a crime being labeled as a “violent felony?”

Looked at who donated money in support of it, can’t believe a certain grocery chain donated $100k, looks like I won’t shop there again!

Patty Quillin donated $250,000 opposing the measure. She is the wife of Netflix co-founder. Shoplifters who steal minimum of $250 will be required to provide DNA. The correctional officers requested their $2 million donation be returned. I have not seen any news that that has occurred. This measure has the ability to increase prison populations, increased costs to local and state jurisdictions, and creating a new class of violent sex offenders which may of course change the tier levels in SB384. The opposition is tying this measure to the Trump Administration despite the fact that the measures primary sponsor, Assemblyman Cooper, is a democrat. However, in California making this a Trump position is enough to defeat it. In politics, you say what you can to defeat this badly contrived law. Defeat it in November.