AL: CCBOE approves policy for low risk juvenile sex offenders

[ – 8/15/20]

The Cullman County School Board has approved a new board policy that will allow the superintendent and school administrators to know the names of students in the system who are low risk sex offenders.

The policy was approved during Thursday night’s meeting to bring the system in line with Annalyn’s Law, which was passed by the state in 2018 and requires local law enforcement to notify school system’s when a low risk juvenile sex offender is enrolled in one of its schools.

Learning Support Specialist Karen Pinion shared some of the details of the policy with the board, and said the county system and systems all around the state have always had low risk sex offenders enrolled in their student population.

Before the passing of Annalyn’s Law, however, local law enforcement has not been allowed to disclose the names of those students for privacy reasons, she said.

“Basically, we’re going to know who those students are, and we have never had that information before,” she said.

She said the purpose of the law is to allow those students to still get an education and an opportunity for college or a career while putting them in situations where they won’t repeat their offenses.

As part of the policy, if a student is a low risk sex offender and enrolls in a school or is already attending a school in the county, the juvenile probation office will notify the superintendent.

A supervision team will then be formed that is made up of the superintendent, the school’s principal and counselor, the student’s assigned teachers and/or coaches and bus driver if necessary.

“The moderate and high risk students will not attend our public schools. These are the students that our judges deem as low risk,” she said. “This will give those kids a chance to hopefully get their life on track and get a high school degree and hopefully go on and be employed, and protect our other students as well.”

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Excuse and setting a joking matter to the side, aren’t all teenagers low risk sex offenders?

So how is Alabama defining “low risk?” Is it the judge making calls based on the attorney and expert arguments? Or is the risk done through those tools like the Static 99 scam? Seems like to be “safe” most everyone that this law might “help” will end up in moderate or high. How many peeps are actually going to be deemed low??

I must just shake my head in amazement at…the terribleness of this!

“A supervision team will then be formed that is made up of the superintendent, the school’s principal and counselor, the student’s assigned teachers and/or coaches and bus driver if necessary.”

It is so already so difficult to be a HS student, and we all know that with so many people in the loop on the juvenile’s status, it will burn through the entire student body in a flash of nastiness and rumor….and maybe even blackmail.

I mean I have plenty enough difficulty trying to deal with this as an adult, (love it when you receive your 1st phone call from someone you are beginning to date and she says….”So you’re a Sex Offender?”

I try to laugh an joke and say, “Yes, and I’m good at it!”)

Sigh…I think I see lots of teen suicides from this…it would be better, I think, to be in the segregated section of school…

Well, anyhow, if the monitors feel this is inappropriate to post…feel free to delete. But it is kind of what I want to say.

Best Wishes, James I

Teach sex ed.

Fear “low risk” sex offender juveniles.

So now that’s where The People want to go? Fine, America was a name and a time that’s no longer applicable. But most citizens out there already knew that anyway. And the others will live and die completely ignorant of the struggles of a group they detest anyway. Because their opinion was formed based on mainstream media, CSI, and fearmonger politics.

Earth to Alabama

Teens are sexual just like previous generations. Did y’all forget biology!!! Are their any bright lights in Alabama or just dull lights?

So juveniles can be exposed now? They are no longer John or Jane Does? Essentially, they’re treating them like adult registrants. Now, I’m perplexed.

So is this sex offender issue gonna follow others around like a busybody monkey on someones’ back.. High risk or low risk where’s the accident claim or report. Oh the police informant policy said it and its to help protect others or prevent someone pulling little girl’s hair that sit in front of them or taunt them in some touchy way. Talk about the bible’s understanding about in the last days.

Come on lets all be logical. At some point we all grow up instead of causing hysteria in a school and yes that does happen at times. I’m 66 yr’s of age and yes I can understand tartiness, skipping classes, even a teen getting drunk at a party and going to jail for the weekend. Seems they want to pick on the male but what about the female.

After all who eat from the tree in the garden first. I mean being sensible about things are good but devient behavior, well if you ask me we all have a behavior problem in one way or another. Controlling behavior is good just like controling factors but if one’s behavior gets out of line than it takes a bit of work to get it together.Yes at times disipline measures have to be instilled. It can be a phase we all go thru and it can be corrected like many things can be corrected.

It seems that some of you on here never really got Suzie’s point. when she spoke up in an article on here. When a person starts pedding flesh and want’s to mess around with kids thats not a very good thing. So now what close encounters by a computer ruse.

Sure you try to stay clear of obsticales like that but some men seem to never learn and are steryotyped into the mold at times. Now yes I have to agree that their are good women speakers on the subject of men that are attracted to kids and yes women have rights to speak out like any other person. In fact women against the registry is a good point as what women wants to see her son or daughter in jail in all this conplex issue.

This sex offender issue that many are involved visa this internet communication is a bit off key. Ministers of justice, civil servants playing the devil’ disciple. Thats a loaded cannon right their. God is for all unless one becomes a reprobate. And yes I hope no one has a reprobate mind. The meaning of reprobate is “rejected”.

Funny how they claim the registry is not punitive, yet acknowledge that the rest of a juvenile’s life is ruined if they are placed on it.