FAC: WI: Homeless person required to register as a sex offender killed

[floridaactioncommittee.org –  9/17/20] A 54 year old person required to register as a sex offender was found dead with “suspicious head injuries” according to the Madison Wisconsin Police, A local alderman is calling for the closure of these “homeless encampments”, but fails to recognize that persons forced to register are generally not allowed in most shelters, are subject to restrictions on housing and are chronically unemployed or unemployed because of the stigma of being registered. Homeless encampments are their only option. Read the full article  

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CA: Number of Registrants Decreases Slightly

The number of Californians who are required to register has decreased slightly, according to a report made during today’s meeting of the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB). The CASOMB reported earlier this year a total of 109,627 registrants and today the board reported that there are about 500 few registrants. Specifically, the board reported today that there are 109,178 individuals who are required to register in the state of which 81,778 live in the community, that is, are not in custody. Of that total, there are 18,116 individuals who…

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