Never Settle for Scraps

Recently, I was watching the movie, “Braveheart” when I was catapulted into a state of utter determination. The scene that moved me is when William Wallace explains that he plans on invading and defeating the English on their own ground; and in doing so, he will wrest Scotland’s freedom from the grip of King Edward Longshanks. When the lords and other members of the varying clans scoff at Wallace and tell him that successfully invading England is impossible, Wallace exclaims, “Why? Why is that impossible? You’re so concerned with squabbling for the scraps from Longshank’s table, that you’ve missed your God-given right for something better.” And there it is. We have all been granted the right for something better. And I will be darned if I will settle for anything less.

Next month, I have another containment meeting, during which time I will ask to have one of my many stipulations amended; and I have already been told not to ask for more than one to be changed because it is just not possible. Additionally, it was conveyed that I should be grateful if the one request I make is honored. When I asked why I should be grateful for having a stipulation that has nothing to do with my crime amended, I was told that it is just as easy to add conditions as it is to amend them. Under reasonable circumstances, it is natural to be thankful when a request is granted. However, when so many controlling elements are implemented for the sole intent to stifle one’s life, it is blatantly obvious that reason has become grossly obscured, if not completely abandoned. And giving thanks to law enforcement for an inalienable right is preposterous.

In “Braveheart,” Wallace implores Robert The Bruce, the King of the Scots, to “unite the clans” to defeat the English and claim their “God-given right for something better.” The Kings of England had worked tirelessly over the years to keep the Scottish clans separated by promising this and that to certain leaders and not to others. Ultimately, the Scots united, and as it has been described, “fought like warrior poets” and ultimately won their freedom.

Individually, there is a battle against the Registry; or parole; or probation; or social ostracization; or a combination of those circumstances. And individually, it is challenging to make a difference on a larger playing field. And that is the reason that those that control the buttons work so diligently to keep us separated. And their method is to shame and humiliate each one of us into bunker-style hibernation. But together we are a formidable force; and can achieve mighty accomplishments.

Thomas Paine said, “It’s not in numbers, but in unity that our greatest strength lies.” It is evident from the posts on ACSOL that there is a great number of us who are undeniably willing to unite and take what is our “God-given right for something better.” Here is to fighting like “warrior poets” and never settling for scraps.

By Maxwell Monty

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This is true together we stand divided we fall the problem for me is not all sex offenders are the same. Currently in California there’s no tier system so all sex offenders are labeled together this is a major problem with California’s over flowing useless registry.
Me personally I would rather face a German Nazis firing squad before I ever united with SVP’S pedophiles or people convicted of CP I’m sorry but I would rather register for life

Good luck

Absolutely. That’s why one of my mottos is “Don’t get tired, tired is a mistake”. You’re going to be put through the wringer, you may not be the same person after it all. You’ll have no sympathy. You’ll almost have no hope. But you can’t get tired.

Their job is to take all that away from you, so why give it up willingly? Everyone wants to move on, the few who stay and fight do it because that’s the only way you’ll see any changes. It means commiting to the hardest fight of your life. I’d rather have that than any easy day laying at the beach while the system keeps screwing things up.

It also means being a strong person.
Strong enough to stay the course. Strong enough to take the losses. Strong enough to let people leave.

Same old crap, talk talk talk. Why don’t some of you new people go file in court and challenge some of this? Bunch of new people since I got on here nearly ten years ago and still the same old crap. Talk, talk, talk….. So glad I hardly come on here except for the new news it provides. I am and have been in court fighting this, how about any of you? Peace………

Maybe I was to harsh on people, but it just boils my skin to know that I have spent thousands of dollars and over 3 years in federal court now and no one has filed a CA state action that is so easily winnable. Whatever, here is my draft for it so I guess you all just sit back and wait for others to do your bidding. If you are of the mindset to help feel free to pick apart my petition or to research or backup case law for me. Yeah, that will happen huh?

This is going to be filed right after the tier system takes effect and will include a challenge to that designation of a level of dangerousness without any actuarial risk assessments

Seems people on the registry can scrap Halloween. I’m sure everyone has a little knock on the door at halloween from those that are only doing their job to make sure those on the sex registry are not out scaring others to death. So are we scraping human behavior.
I’m sure we can all get a bit pissed to have someone check on us making sure we are not out giving out candy or the porch light is not on or something mundane as that. Its very annoying when those in authorities have nothing better to do to make their money. . Right now I am very offended that someone would come and check on me as if I didn’t have common sense to get out of the rain. Well scrap that.

Guess if authorities wanted to be 100% sure they would lock those sex offenders up on Halloween and let them out the next day just to make sure. So who’s scraping who or who plays this game on another.

Myself as well as others don’t need to have those make sure you are not out on halloween night. Its so mundane in this political variation type of authoritarianism. If one really wants to know the truth its all a political game of carnal persuasion.