Dutch police give ‘stop paedophile hunts’ warning after Arnhem death

[bbc.com – 11/13/20]

A Dutch police chief has called for an end to “paedophile hunting” after a 73-year-old retired teacher was beaten up by teenagers and died of his injuries.

Oscar Dros said there was a risk more people could die and he appealed for justice to be left to the authorities.

The man from the eastern city of Arnhem was lured into having sexual contact with a minor while in a gay chatroom.

Authorities said he was aware the boy was underage. But there was no evidence of past sexual contact with minors.

The Arnhem attack is the latest in a series of 250 incidents involving so-called “paedophile hunters” in the Netherlands, reports say.

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Minutes after going into a chatroom, he claimed, five or six men would try to meet up with you, knowing full well you were a minor. “That’s just not right.”

No it’s not right to entice people who are prone do do specific things into doing them. Don’t provide opportunities for anyone then be upset if the people being targeted seek out those opportunities. It doesn’t matter if the conduct is legal or not, the mindset behind stuff like this is incredibly dumb. More importantly there’s zero surprise why none of the suspected perpetrators haven’t been convicted. For one they didn’t actually do anything against the law in these countries. Secondly despite what people believe random individuals can’t go around luring others into traps no matter the pretense and think everything will work out in the end. One time someone or a group of people are going to find themselves messing with the wrong person and when it happens the results won’t be gentle.

What’s the cops real warning? Doing online stings is our job and you are infringing on our market of protecting children. Stop trying to steal my promotion.

Setting anyone up to commit a crime should be illegal.

LMFAO This is to funny….
if your stupid enough to fall for these fake as stings then you deserve whatever happens to you.

Good luck

I wonder if Justice Roberts still thinks being on the registry is no different then getting a Price Club card?

“Mr Dros told Algemeen Dagblad newspaper that since July some 250 incidents had been registered involving self-styled hunters, and there were probably many more. The practice has now been banned by police and public prosecutors.”

The practice has NOW been banned? Now?!! Was 250 the magic number to transform accepted behavior into “banned” behavior?

It’s amazing what is printed. Do writers/editors not fully comprehend what is asserted in the articles they produce? I’m reminded of the film “The Princess Bride” during moments like this: Vizzini routinely utters, “Inconceivable” at events that actually transpire; after the fifth time Vizzini declares, “Inconceivable,”, Inigo Montoya turns to him and says, “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”