How you can search for bills and advocacy groups in your state


How to search for state bills to call and write about:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the National Legislative Search
  3. Select your state
  4. Type “sex” or any other words in the “Full Text Search” field
  5. Click the Search button

How to search for federal bills to call and write about:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the dropdown box at the top of the page and select Legislation
  3. In the field next to that type “sex” or any other words
  4. Click the magnifying glass

National advocacy groups that you can notify if you see a good or bad bill:

Women Against Registry

Advocacy groups in your state that you can notify if you see a good or bad bill:

Let us know if you know of more advocacy and support groups.

State Advocacy Group
California ACSOL
Florida Florida Action Committee
Illinois Illinois Voices for Reform
New Hampshire Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform 
Texas Texas Voices
Washington Washington Voices

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This may be a lawyer question..
But if a new law passed.. but at the bottom it says the following, “this act becomes affective on December 21st, 2021 and applies to offenses committed on or after that date.”
Does that mean it’s not retroactive? Or is it still retroactive and applies to the offenses committed before the date?

Are many with all the ways and means upset with all this registry or who is upsetting the apple cart. Is government upsetting the apple cart with many of these unjust sex offender internet laws whether in Fl, Al, MO, VA CA ,MI or many more states. Authorities have enough on their scheduale to ride than over ride their case load in regular government cases. This registry is a constitutional issue.

Could we all say this pandemic is a constitutionsal or a world wide issue or are the three branches of law tied at who’s gonna fulfill the next senant sets in government. There are three types of pardons. Simple, Absolute, Conditional. While all court systems look at it as a Clemency test what test is the registry under?
Should one understand blind sighteness suchas a car blind sighting one or what does you call a head on collision?

My dad was a member of the Elks club, Rotory Club, Moose Club, yea and a C.P.A. GrandFather was a 33 degree Mason. Dad hatred to go to court back in the 50’s. And yes theri were scandels but this regitry is a topper for many and even government is playing with dynamite. And yes we had coal mine war’s back in the day. One can even understand safety in mines or were is or who is responsible today.

Can anyone honestly say or know where this virus came from or is it spiculation to lighten the load on American public. Sure some say Trump is the man or who votes and than says I was right. Did it make some proud to go to Vietnam or just get our brains blown out in American Justice with these unethical encounters of conbat justice.

Their is a right way and a wrong way for true justice and sucking one in is more harm than any public safety measure of a red light district. I’m sure you all can fill in the mistakes, errors, and blanks of human justice for all or is Americs on the twilight of injustice for all in many issues of throwing a person in jail or was one’s study of prison and parole or crime and punishment for nothing. Or does advocacy justice have true meaning today.